
Tuesday Tips

1. Metro Rings - Square-up blocks - Pic Tutorial

2. Metro Hoops - Square-up blocks - Pic Tutorial

3. Urban Nine Patch - Pic Tutorial

4. Removing QCR Paper and Pressing 
Curved Seams

5. Binding

6. Squaring up Urban Candy blocks

7.  Yardage for Quilt Backs

8. How to avoid permanent creases when storing quilts.

9. Adding Borders - Ensuring a square quilt top

10. SKOW Acronyms 

11. Pre-wound Bobbins

12. Displaying Quilts

13. Binding - Mitered Corners and Invisible Join

14. Seam Ripping Just Became Fun!

15. Those Pesky Threads!

16. Sewing Accent Triangles

17. Sharpie Markers and Squaring up Blocks

18.  Another binding technique with invisible join and mitered corners.

19. Hanging Sleeves

20. Chic Country Square Up


  1. It would be really great if you could also post a printable or .pdf version for all of us to download and print out. I like to keep these handy tips with the pattern I purchased. Thank you.

  2. I totally agree with Amy - printable pdf would be fantastic. Otherwise, it's just a lot of copy and paste to Word :( Thanks for everything you do - it's so worth it :D
