Tuesday, March 26, 2013

DWR Progress and some New Fabric!

I made progress on my DWR quilt yesterday!  I really like how it's coming together, so far.  I wasn't sure how the different shades of yellows and grays would work together but now I think they may work...just fine!

...and I got some fun mail yesterday!  I've been crushing on these fabrics ever since I saw them at Fall Quilt Market last year!

This is Joel Dewberry's "Notting Hill" line

...and this Ty Pennington's "Glowing Fall Impressions" line. 

 ...and I can't wait to play with these!



Natasha said...

I too nabbed some of the Ty Pennington's collection! Love them. I love the notting hill line as well. They will be stunning made up! I love the yellow and grays together- very pretty!

Sharon S said...

The yellow & grey are dreamy together. Can't wait!

Melissa said...

Are you using any particular pattern for the DWR? I'm thinking of trying one and don't know which pattern to pick!

jen said...

She's testing the pattern that uses her Quick Curve ruler. Scroll thru the blog. Looks easy!

Krista @ Sewwhatscooking.com said...

I especially love the Joel Dewberry Fabrics. And your progress is lovely. I've been working with greys and yellows, too.

Sharon said...

Love the yellow and gray! Can't wait to see this quilt

Anonymous said...

They are working together beautifully! Can't wait to see the finished quilt!