Ty Morris Pedigo was born at 12:25 this morning, 8 ponds 13 oz. He is our little miracle. We were prepared for some medical complications but were pleasantly surprised he was born healthy and perfect! We are so blessed! Delivery went well with no complications.
Congrats, Jen!! So glad to hear he's ok. Sending you lots of love.
Oh congratulations to you and your family - so happy to read all is well :-)
Congratulations are in order I see.
Congratulations Jenny! So glad to hear everyone is doing well and that Ty arrived safely!
Yay! Congratulations!
Congrats......I'm so happy to hear everything went so well.
Congratulations. I am glad he was safely delivered into this world.
Congratulations on the addition to your family!
Congrats and yet another miracle in a child!
Yeah! A healthy baby! Get some rest, we'll still be here. Ongratulations!
Congratulations! I know you are so thankful that all is well. Please post pictures soon. Enjoy your new wee one!
Congratulations to you and your baby and your happy family. What a wonderful day!
Congratulations to you all! So glad all went well :o)
Congratulations. So glad all went well.
You can't ask for much more! Congratulations, now go get some rest!
Congratulations and so glad all are doing well!
Good news! Enjoy!!
Congratulations! Sharing your joy :)
Congratulations on the new arrival!
Congratulations, I thought I would just check to see if the baby had arrived, and found your great arrival notice. You are blessed,and I know the family will adore your new little angel..
Blessings to you all!
Congratulations on baby Ty!
Congrats to you! So glad all went well. Photo wouldn't load for me. : (
Ahhhhhh..........God is SO GOOD !
Praise God !
Bless you all as you take some time to get to know this little guy !
I'm so happy for you. god bless
Awe, congratulations Jenny! Wish I'd had a second...
So happy for you mama!
Congratulations!!!! Hugs to all! :-)
Congratulations to you and your family!!
Congratulations! : )
Oh, fantastic!!!! Yay for surprise perfect health!! :D
So happy for you. Congratulations. What a sigh of relief. Hugs!
Thanks for letting us all know - Congratulations, so exciting that he is here and you are all doing well.
Congratulations . . . Glad everything went well.
congratulations! Glad to hear that all went well.
Congratulations!!!!!!! I love the name. Enjoy this time with your new precious little man.
Congrats!! So happy for you!
So glad for you!
Lots of love to you and Welcome to the World Ty!
congratulations!!!!so happy everything went well.
Wonderful news! Congrats!
Congratulations Jenny!
Congratulations on the safe and happy arrival of your new son!
Congratulations Jenny!
Wonderful - may his life be filled with happiness!
Hugs - Lurline!
Congratulations Jenny! I'm happy for you and your miracle baby Ty.
God is So Good!!! Glad to hear your little blessing arrived safe and well!!! Congrats
Happiness to you and your family with this new bundle of love
Congratulations Jenny!!! And blessings on little Ty Morris :*D
Congratulations! So glad everyone is healthy!
Yeah!!!! How fabulously exciting! Enjoy......no rushing back to work & redecorating!! Enjoy your special gift.
Congratulations! So glad that everyone is healthy and all went well. What a blessing he is! ~Jeanne
<3 and :)
Congratulations! So glad he is here and healthy.
Congrats Jenny!! So glad that he is here and healthy.
Congratulations to you and your family. So glad that Ty is healthy!
Congratulations! Blessings surely came your way!
Wonderful news - Congratulations
Congrats to all!
Congratulations to you and your family!!
Wonderful news. Congratulations to you and your family. Every healthy new born baby is a special gift.
Liebe Grüsse
Congratulations! Babies are such a blessing, so glad to hear that he has arrived safely into this world and into your loving arms!
Congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Ty. Glad to hear of his safe arrival and that you are both doing well.
Congratulations on your little miracle, Jenny. Also noticed you have 1000 followers today - another congratulations are in store. All is okay in your world. Judy C in NC
Congratulations! So happy for you and your family.
Congradulations! Blessings to the parents and baby Ty.
Congratulations! Glad every thing went well. Enjoy your little miracle.
Happy Baby blessings!!! So glad Ty is here!!
Congratulations! Enjoy the moments.
Congratulations Jenny & hubby. Thanks for sharing your happy news!
Congratulations on your little miracle! Glad that all went well. Many blessings to you.
Welcome, Baby Ty!
so happy for you, Jenny!
congrats - good news...
Congrats on your new baby...Glad to hear your concerns are now not a worry!
Congratulations! Wishing you, Baby Ty, and your whole family continued blessings!
So happy for you and your family! Congratulations!
Congratulations to you and your family! Give Ty a kiss from all of your readers! We are glad he is part of your family.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Glad everything went well.
Congrats Jenny ... hope we can see pictures of the little guy!
Congratulations and welcome to the world, Baby Ty!
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
Congratulations on your new son. Glad to hear that both of you are fine.
Fantastic news glad you are both well. Congratulations to you all
Congratulations!!! He´s just perfect!
Awesome!!Congratulation to you and your family :^) Sweet Joy!!!
Congrats! He looks perfect!
He's gorgeous!! Glad everything went well with the inducement and labor and birth!
Congratulations! Nice little post Valentine's gift!
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