Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thanks everyone for all your comments!  We couldn't be more happy and in love with the new addition to our family.  We are still in the hospital, baby needs to be under some lights for a little bit. Hopefully the picture works this time.  It was taken soon after his first bath.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenny. he's adorable!

Dolly said...

What a beautiful well.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh my gosh, what a great picture! Congratulations! wishing you all the best. Hugs...

Marj said...

Congratulations! Your new addition looks beautiful. Glad there were no problems and that he and you are healthy.

Esther said...

Congratulations Jenny, and to your family. He is beautiful, and I wish him welcome.

Anne said...

Your new son is absolutely precious! Congratulations.

Janet O. said...

Very sweet, Jenny. Best wishes!

Leeanne said...

pure cuteness!

kitty said...
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kitty said...

Thanks for the pictures!! Ty looks so darling! Great picture of the two of you!!

JoyceT said...

You and the baby are "sew kind of wonderful." I hope you can rest for a bit and enjoy each other.

sabine-sunset said...

herzlichen Glückwunsch für euren neuen Familiesonnenschein. Ich lese Ihren Blog sehr gerne und freue mich sehr darüber, dass alles gut verlaufen ist. Viel Glück ihnen allen sabine gomez-ortega rodriguez

sabine-sunset said...

herzlichen Glückwunsch für euren neuen Familiesonnenschein. Ich lese Ihren Blog sehr gerne und freue mich sehr darüber, dass alles gut verlaufen ist. Viel Glück ihnen allen sabine gomez-ortega rodriguez

Heritage Keepsakes said...

What a gorgeous looking baby!! And Jenny you look amazing for a new mum. Congratulations.

Thelma said...

I could not be happier for you all, best wishes and Congratulations!

Melia Mae Quilting said...

He is so beautiful!

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Congratulations, such a cutie :-)

Rebecca Grace said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Also, how do you look so gorgeous right after giving birth? Even your hair isn't messed up!!

mareshavefun said...

Congratulations to you and your family. A whole new wonderful life is beginning for you and your family.

Leanne said...

Congratulations Jenny! He is lovely and I am so glad it went well, and that he and you are fine!

Nancy Page said...

Congratulations! He is a precious and adorable bundle of joy! Best wishes to you and your family!

Have a super great new baby day!

Lee said...

He is so beautiful, and you look GREAT! Pictures of me in the hospital are entirely unpostable. LOL. Congrats again.

Martha said...

You are both so absolutely beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenny! He is so adorable!

sandra said...

Ty is so beautiful, happy all went well. Blessing to you and your family

Melissa said...

Congratulations Jenny!

Vicki said...

what a beautiful baby. I know you are happy. take care, Vicki

Vicki said...

what a beautiful baby. I know you are happy. take care, Vicki

Teresa Silva said...

Congratulations Jenny! He is adorable.

~Diana said...

Glad to hear everything went well and baby is fine. Congrats!

Tammy said...

Jenny, gosh, I missed all the action the past few days because I was on a quilting retreat. CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family! What a sweet bundle of joy! My son was also born on Feb. 15. Treasure every moment with him.

Mtclifford said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful!

the running chicken quilting said...

Many congratulations ....amazing that you are blogging when you have recently given birth!!! Wonderful pictures!

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the birth of your son. A wonderful addition to your family

MiMi*mcm* said...

Jenny Congratulations,Es hermoso tu hijo, mucha salud, paz, para ti el niño y toda la Familia.DEsde Argentina Buenos Aires toda la FELICIDAD.-

Mama Pea said...

Congratulations! Both baby and mama are beautiful!