Saturday, June 2, 2012

Challenge Day 4

It's day 4 of my 31 Day Challenge.  I didn't start quilting till this afternoon, but once I started I dove right in!  I really wanted to finish Betty's quilt today!

I really didn't know how I was going to quilt this up.  The border was the first thing I started with.  I did a grid and used Betty's piecing for a reference as to where the grid would if you follow the blocks on the border over to the quilt, you can see that it matches the piecing.  This was a good start.

Then I turned the yellow churn dash to a feather ring....very easy....and the feather on the 2nd and 3rd borders was fun too, I used the inner seam as a vine and that was my guide for my feather.

This little quilt did take many hours and I couldn't have finished it today, if it weren't for my husband making dinner tonight.  I love him!

Betty is a phenomenal piecer and this quilt was a perfect square!

....and on to the machine is the next quilt in line!

 I will say this, I'm exhausted tonight!  My feet and hips hurt and I'm so ready to call it a night!  It does feel so good though, to finally get these quilts done and I'll live with hurt feet and hips this month,  so I can complete my challenge! 

I also wanted to say thanks to all your comments on Annette's quilts.  It was such a privilege quilting for her and she is such a remarkable woman with amazing talent! 

4 of 30 Finished 



Razzle Dazzle Quilter said...

You are amazing!!! I aw so revved up by you that I thought Itoo could complete two quilts in a day. Haha. I have done one and a half today.


Denise said... are so talented Jenny!

CitricSugar said...

Gorgeous! I love how you did the border...

Unknown said...

Great work Jenny, you are still on target

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Maravilhoso trabalho,vejo criatividade sem limites,parabéns.Cuide-se e faça alongamentos,dores nos quadris adoecem os joelhos,cuidado.Beijo grande.

regan said...

This is yet another beautiful quilt! Well done! And I have to tell you.....when you first talked about your challenge, I thought, 'Oh, she's just gonna do a bunch of computer generated all over designs, and crank them out to get it all done!'.....WELL! Do you didn't! Woohoo! I can't believe the kind of detail you are giving each quilt, and how lovely they are, with designs that replicate piecing elements, and feathers galore! YAY! You are rockin' it! You go girl! (And maybe pick a day, and sneak in a massage.... you're gonna need it!)

Pat Merkle said...

Oh WOW, love looking at your quilting. I do have a question, what batting do you normally use? Was wondering what batting you would recommend for my UNP baby quilt?

Nancy said...

You do absolutely beautiful work!!

Carla said...

How beautiful!

CapitolaQuilter said...

I hope that everyone who has the honor of having you quilt their tops appreciates your talent and dedication. Marvelous work.

marcella said...

Beautiful! Rest up so you can keep up with your challenge.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

What a beautiful job you did your quilting and love Betty's choice of colors for her quilt!!!

Tamie said...

I'm so impressed.

Jodi Nelson said...

Gosh I wish you lived closer. You are amazing!

Petit Design Co. said...

I love the way you did the feather wreath on the churn dash block

Wanda said...

Beautiful quilting job. Looking forward to the many more beauties you have in store for us.

Wanda said...

Another beautiful quilting job. Looking forward to what's to come.

Wanda said...

Beautiful quilting job. Looking forward to the many more beauties you have in store for us.

Abby / Linda said...

Love the different quilt designs on this one!