Saturday, August 1, 2015

Friday - oops - Saturday Giveaway!

Friday disappeared somewhere and it is now Saturday….
We have a great giveaway of our Contemporary Curved Quilts book with 5 Joel Dewberry fat quarters!  The book has 8 fun projects from pillow to quilt size, and the fabrics are that fun fresh floral that Joel Dewberry is known for!

To enter, please leave one comment 
about a favorite quilt you made 
or was given to you :-)

Good Luck!

~Sew Kind of Wonderful~


Pedal Sew Lightly said...

My favorite is a lap quilt I made for my husband using Zen Chic's Comma line. He rarely gets to use it because I'm usually wrapped on it.

Amanda said...

My favorite quilt....hmmm, it's a hard choice. I while back I made one with rainbow colored hearts on a dark grey background that I still love.

Shauna said...

Favorite given to me is one my grandmother gave me, she found some sun bonnet sue blocks she made as a teen and pieced them together for me. My favorite I've made is one called Cupid Shuffle, because it uses one of my all time favorite fabric lines...PB&J by Basic Grey

Pam said...

My favorite quilt I made was a farm barn filled with animals for my first grandson

Phyllis said...

My favorite is a quilt my mother-in-law made for my husband and me. It is just a simple patchwork quilt from fabrics she had on hand. She passed away before she finished the binding, so I was able to finish it myself. The quilt is over 40 years old and I treasure it.

barbara woods said...

i just gave a quilt away with bars and stars on it so i guess it's my favorite so far.

Julianne said...

My favorite quilt is my super bright and scrappy spider web quilt...its the best!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Sharon T said...

Right now my favorite is a runner using the pattern that came with the QCR. Your videos made it easy peasey!

Anonymous said...

I was given a wedding ring quilt when we got married 20+ years ago by my grandmothers' best friend. She knew my grandmother had arthritis and couldn' sew anymore. So I treasure it greatly as I know it is from both of them and they have both passed on now.

mindingmomma at aol dot com

melissa ulmen said...

My favorite quilt i gave away was to my wonderful cousin Krista. We found the perfect quilt kits to sew at the family reunion. Her daughter got really sick and she didn't make the reunion. She always thought of her daughter in the hospital when she saw the kit and never wanted to start the quilt. Fast forward 6 years, i gave my cousin the quilt that i had finished. It had been enough time she saw it as a reminder of all the things she had to be grateful for, and how truly blessed we are to have her daughter still with us. I am still trying to get her to quilt again.

Anonymous said...

Recently one of my favorite quilts I've made is of Blueberry Crumb Cake fabrics for my daughter> These blues+creams are so beautiful! Thank You for sharing a neat giveaway!

Eileen said...

I give away most of the quilts I make, and one of my favorites went to my nephew's wife for her baby shower. I was made almost entirely from my stash, is pink and grey, and I appliqued the baby's name on the bottom of the quilt.
I hate it when people I give quilts to don't use them because they are 'too special' or hang them on the wall ~ but I know Mia's quilt is being used and that makes me happy!

kathy said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! My favorite quilt is usually whichever one I just finished, but probably the best quilting experience I have had was giving a Quilt of Valor to my Great Uncle, who served in WWII and is now 93 years old. He was really touched, and that was a great feeling.

Unknown said...

My favorite quilt was given to me by my great grandmother. She made all her great grand children one when they were born. She hand pieced and hand quilted them, using minimal equipment compared to all we use today.

Karen said...

My favorite quil is my Jubilee quilt I made to commemorate my 60 th. All.Time.Favorite.

Caren D said...

My current favourite is a green and white disappearing hourglass quilt that I made with some friends for a friend :-)

Debbie said...

My favorite quilt is one I designed myself with eq7. Thanks for a great giveaway. The book and fabric are beautiful. Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

Lorraine said...

My favorite is a floral applique quilt made from a kit my soon-to-be sister-in-law found at a yard sale. It was our wedding gift from her. She has now passed on, so it is even more special now.

Marti M said...

I was given a grandmother flower garden quilt. It was hand made by my grandmother and was a wedding gift to my mom and dad.

Lorraine said...

My favorite is a floral applique quilt made from a kit my soon-to-be sister-in-law found at a yard sale. It was our wedding gift from her. She has now passed on, so it is even more special now.

Lorraine said...

My favorite is a floral applique quilt made from a kit my soon-to-be sister-in-law found at a yard sale. It was our wedding gift from her. She has now passed on, so it is even more special now.

QuiltLaughLove said...

My favorite quilt is the one my husband asked me to make for him. He described what he wanted and I designed a pattern that he liked. Then he went with me to buy fabric and he made all the choices with zero input needed. It turned out great!

Busy Quilting Mama said...

My favorite quilt is my first finished quilt a simple nine patch variation. I love this quilt because it opened up a whole new world!

Sherrye said...

My favorite quilt was a Christmas Star quilt made from Kate Spain's 12 Days of Christmas fabric that I gave my daughter. What was I thinking???

Heather J said...

My favourite quilt at the moment is the king sized quilt I made with a rainbow of fabrics! It is the first quilt I have made in many years that actually is made for my bed and my husband loves it.

Anonymous said...

I just finished a quilt for the modern quilt guild using your ruler and fabrics from Riley Blake and I LoVE it!

Unknown said...

My favorite quilt is the one I finished last year for my sons graduation. It incorporated my very first blocks and from start to finish it took as long as his schooling as I had my first quilt class the year he started school.

Vicki said...

So many favorites! I think right now it's a toss-up between my Twisted Blossom and a sampler (made with Joel Dewberry's Heirloom). Since both are in-progress, it's hard to pick a fav. :)

Tom and Jane said...

My favorite quilt is the one that I made for my 27 year old son. He loves to surf so I designed a surfboard quilt for him and he loves it.

Chris W said...

My favorite quilt I made is Big Top by Fresh Lemons just finished it last week!!

Linda Cates said...

My favorite quilt I made was a compilation of fabric and embroidered handprints and signatures that my grandmother started in 1964. I made it for my cousin and it has handprints and signatures of 5 generations of her family.

Sonya said...

My favorite is my terrazzo quilt because it's my first FMQ finish on my domestic machine.

Frances Meredith said...

It is usually the latest quilt. I have just finished my Nearly Insane quilt. I loved doing it, but am ready for the next challenge!

O'Quilts said...

My favorite quilt is the one made with love...I have your ruler, but never used it...this give away spurs me on.

quiltmania said...

My favourite quilt is an Embroidered quilt. My Mom did the embroidery, I pieced and quilted it and my daughter helped stitch the binding. Three generations in one quilt, what could be better?

Pamela Neal said...

My favorite quilt is one I started 15+ years ago. Long story was lost in a move and discovered last another move. It started out to be a gift for my grandmother but because she passed before I could finish it I instead made it into a table topper for my step-mom...another special lady in my life.

Unknown said...

Triangles! I love the quilt I made for a coworker battling bone marrow cancer. It is a nautical theme so that he could still be near all things sailboats and water. Lt Commander is now in remission!

Vicki in MN said...

Gee I always think the one I just finished is my favorite one!! I love so many :-)

pkmegs said...

My favorite quilt is one I made with batiks and black solid.

Dot Moore said...

My favorite quilt is a Baltimore Album quilt that I made several years ago.

Lesley said...

My favorite quilt is my Modern Blocks quilt

Unknown said...

My absolutely favourite quilt is the exploding star!

Fiona said...

Hi girls. My current favourite is one of my last finishes. A hand pieced hexagon quilt that I worked on over two years while travelling and watching kids sports. I used civil war repro fabrics and 1" hexagon papers.

KaHolly said...

Right now, my favorite quilt is the one I'm working on right now. It's scrappy, bright, has's my second one because the first one was so much fun!

Teresa in Music City said...

My favorite quilt all-time is Moonglow by Jenny Beyer. I never cease to feel a thrill of love each time I see it on my bed :)

Barbara Black said...

My favorite so far Red and White--By the Numbers

Material Girl said...

Poor me- never got a quilt for a gift. My favorite quilt is a red,white and blue kaleidoscope stack whack!

Stephanie said...

My favorite quilt is one my grandparents made me when I turned 13. It is what I ca;; my birthday quilt and I have carried it with me all over the country. It is my go to quilt for sure. I love it and it reminds me they are always with me. Like a hug everytime I snuggle it.

Valerie B. said...

My Mom gave me the quilt that my great-grandma gave my parents for a wedding gift in 1955. Wonderful gift!!!

cynthia said...

My favorite quilt is the version of Denyse Schmidt's Proverbial Quilt that uses the first stanza of a favorite poem, so that makes it a favorite-favorite.

Shirley R said...

Thank you for a chance of your give a way. My favourite quilt is your Metro Hoops. I quilted one for a customer and loved it so much I made one for myself. Love it!

Unknown said...

My favourite quilt is an Amish Double Wedding Ring my mum bought in Virginia and brought back to me here in Brisbane Australia.

Emmacathryn said...

My favourite quilt is always the one in my head that I want to start next!

Fiona said...

a fun giveaway .. thanks... I think my favourite quilt was one of my very first with stitchery... I was given a bunch of old country style fabrics to play with... it's lovely and soft and full of mistakes... but I love it

Lisa Boyer said...

I made my favorite quilt block by block, picking out scrappy fabrics as I went. No assembly line piecing or matching blocks for me! It was very relaxing going so slowly with no deadline. From that date, I vowed that that's how I would quilt from now on: slowly and spontaneously. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kath said...

The first quilt I made is still my fav - baby log cabin in bright primary colors/low volume. It is such a cheerful little quilt. Thanks for this chance to win!
ktsquiltdreams (at)gmail (dot)com

Anonymous said...

thank you for the giveaway...because I like quilting I like all the quilt/quilty things that I

Anonymous said...

Working on one of your quilts right now. Love the ruler. So easy to use. Thanks for my chance to win.

Unknown said...

My favorite is a patchwork quilt with Emily Herrick fabric. I loved it so much I am thinking about making it again just so I can keep it this time! Emilygwinnhall2 gmail

kathleen said...

My fav quilt- that is like choosing your favorite child! I do love the Christmas wreath quilt- it began my rotary cutter journey. Never been the same since! ( and that's because it also coincides with birth of our first child;)

Tanja said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win these awesome gifts! My favourite quilt I made was memory quilt for a 25th wedding anniversary gift that consisted of both machine pieced and hand appliquéd blocks. The machine pieced blocks were also signed by friends and family members... :-) said...

My grandmother gave me a quilt that her mother(my Greatgrandmother) made or gave to her. It is hand pieced and tied.

Joyce said...

My favorite quilt is one I found at an antique mall. It is made up of 1 inch blocks, blue and white and all hand stitched. The antique dealer said it was probably from the early 1930's.

TJM wanna be quilt artist said...

My favorite quilt has strips that were made by my mom then completed and quilted by me. Strips done twenty years before completion

Jeannie Gan said...

My favourite quilt that I made was from a pattern Chopsticks by Jaybird Quilts. It was gifted to my husband for his birthday last year.
jchiagan at yahoo dot com

Linda S. said...

My mother-in-law made a quilt for me when I married her son. It brings such fond memories of Mom Marie.

la tulipe said...

My favorite quilt is a quilt I maid wy the drawings of hands and hearts from friends. Have a nice week-end!

Ullalein2002 said...

At the moment I like most the Blossom BOM I made with your ruler. Its scrappy and the background are low volume fabrics.

Barb in Mi said...

My favorite is Patchwork Prism by Anna Maria Horner. Imade it with lots of Kaffe and AMH fabric and it looks fabulous! Thanks so much - really need to conquer curves with your ruler!

Carla S said...

I have never received a quilt, so my favorite quilt that I have ever made is my black quilt that I made with a bunch of different shades of purple and lavender with floral prints.

Spanishlady said...

The space quilt I made for my grandson.

AthleticQuilter said...

My favorite quilt is one that I made while my mother was in her last days. It is a paper pieced pineapple block of an old quilt made in the 1800's. Each block contains
98 pieces. It is special to me a I will always remember piecing the quilt and praying for my mom and family. I remember how gracious the Lord is to me. Thank you for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

All the quilts I have made for my grandchildren are favourites but particularly one with owls on it.

Sharlene said...

My favourite quilt I've made is a black and white Apple Core with a single block of red and red binding. My Metro Medallion top is a very close second. Thanks for the giveaway.

carolann said...

My favorite quilt is a string quilt my grandmother made for me many years ago. It contains pieces of clothing scraps that I remember wearing. She has been gone since 2002 so this quilt means a lot to me.

Cascading Quilts / Amy Bouchard said...

Metro Rings is one of my very favorites probably because it was the first one I did that you all designed. I'm starting the Twisted Blossoms this week for a full quilt for one of my daughters. I love all the patterns. Thank you!

Debbie said...

Circles are scary but with good instructions they can come out perfect.

curious said...

I got blocks from my quilt giuld monthly raffle. When made it will make me remember friends that made it. Sincerely, Paula K.

Linda Nelson said...

My favorite and first quilt I ever made was called Sisters. I made it for my older daughter with fabric from clothes I made her. I made the quilt after 2nd daughter was born.


Lisa England said...

My husband admires my quilts but has only asked me to make one for him once. It's an offset log cabin in our college colors and is one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

My favorite quilt is the quilt that my mother and grandmother made together when I was a child. I have since inherited the quilt and have such fond memories of the collaboration between my mother and grandmother during the construction of the quilt.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed reading Linda's comment. Yes, my quilting is tied to past generations as well.

Bonnie58 said...

Love your blog and thanks so much for sharing. I love all my quilts - it's too hard to pick a favourite

Barb Neiwert said...

In all of my 60 years, I've only been given one quilt. And it was lovingly hand embroidered, hand pieced and hand quilted by my grandmother back in 1965. Wow - 50 years ago! Because she lived with us, I watched her work on 5 quilts for her 5 grandchildren. I don't know how many years it took her to make all five, but my quilt will always be treasured because I saw her put her heart and soul into that quilt. :)

Stitchin At Home said...

My grandmother never quilted neither did my mother. My favorite quilt I've made so far is Spring is Sprung.

Betty said...

I have quilts from my mother, grandmother and 2 great-grandmothers. They are all my favorites. Of the quilts I make, usually the LAST one is always my favorite!

Sandy said...

I love all the quilts I have made, but my favourite has to be the one my great grandmother made and I now have!!!! It's a yoyo quilt hand sewn made from scraps of all the clothing and other things she had made! It is a real treasure!!!

Cindy said...

My favorite quilt is Glacier Star, paper pieced, it took me a year to complete.

Buncobuddy said...

My favorite was a rag quilt given to my son as a baby -- 46 years ago.

Peteden said...

My favorite quilt is the last one my mother made for me before she passed away. It's the first quilt she also free motion quilted.

Sew, Set. Spike said...

My favorite is an antique Ocean Waves quilt made by my husbands great Aunt...

Adrienne said...

My favourite quilt is a rail fence given to me by my best friend who passed away unexpectedly a year

mary said...

My favorite quilt was hand appliqued by my aunt in 1968. Love it.

butrfly2222 said...

My favourite quilt is friendship star. Made one for the inlays 50th anniversary.

sherry said...

my new favorite quilt is the one i just finished yesterday…i designed and did the work from design to quilting…loving

Debbie said...

My favorite quilt is my 2014 Row by Row quilt. It brightened up our bed during last winter and made it seem spring-like even with all the snow.

jatajomi said...
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jatajomi said...
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Unknown said...

My favorite quilt lately is my scrappy Metro Twist. I made it larger than the pattern, and it's on our couch, the one I pull over me every evening while reading or watching TV, the one my cat likes to jump up on. It's a wonderful quilt -- those soft curves are just so nice.

Judy H said...

I just finished my Peony quilt based on a mystery quilt from our local quilt shop hop this summer. Can't wait to get it quilted and ready to use.

Susan Stanton said...

My new favorite quilt is the pink and white scrappy quilt I just finished using the Celtic Twist block. It's my new spring quilt!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Hmmm...hard to choose! I love an old Bullseye quilt I made years ago from homespun fabrics--it's raveled but very snuggley.

The Bishops said...

Favorite quote is a pattern I made from a Buggy Barn pattern and it was a pineapple quilt

Pattie Crum said...

My favorite quilt is just squares of Amy Butler fabric made into a king size quilt, I love all the patterns and 10.5" squares shows them off.

Rebecca said...

I was gifted with a dozen hand made squares from people who where not quilters but knew my love of it. That each made squares that where reflection of themselves and showed an amazing amount of talent and insight into themselves!!!

Unknown said...

It's named Yakety Yak, and it lives folded on my sofa ready to snuggle.

Gill said...

My Garden Fence quilt - made with my precious Joel Dewberry Heirloom fabric and given to my niece on her wedding day!

Montie said...

The most precious quilt was one given to me by my mother. It is a crazy quilt made in the 1890's by my grandmother, her mother-in-law.

Patty Sliney said...

One of my favorite quilts is the one I'm working on right now - the baby quilt for my very first grandbaby! I'm using the Quick Curve ruler to make a curved four-patch quilt! Love how the pattern is turning out, but really love what it represents!

Carol K said...

My favorite quilt is my wedding quilt. It is a Double Wedding Ring, and come August 16th will be 55 years old. My father's mother started it with feed sack fabric used for my dresses when I was little, and my mother finished it. It is all hand pieced and hand quilted, and is king size. FYI: The new solid fabric bought for the center row is rotting away. The feed sacks look like new!

KatheG said...

One of my favorite quilts is a different block out of red, white black - it was on of my first quilts - thanks.

French 75 said...

My favorite quilt was the wedding quilt I made for my niece and her husband. Her wedding colors were gray and yellow and this was just before those colors really began to show up in fabrics. I had to hunt to find the fabric. I designed a pattern to feature the fabrics. I machine quilted on my long arm (only my third quilt on the long arm) and used all my talents. I was actually amazed that it turned out so great. It was almost hard to wrap it up and give it to them. They loved the quilt.

Zanymouse said...

My current favorite quilt is the Star Wars quilt I made. It was my first time using bamboo/cotton blend batting, and the quilt feels so luscious and drapes beautifully!

The Lisa Marie said...

My favorite quilt is either the quilt I'm currently working on or the quilt I'm planning to do next.

cleta said...

My favorite quit that was given to me was a Joesphs Coat quilt. I love this quilt so much

KathleenD said...

Of the quilts that I've made so far, my favorite is the big apple core quilt I made for my sister.

Amanda Best said...

My favorite quilt that I have made is; Grandmother's Choice, a block of the week sampler quilt in blue and teal fabrics on a cream background. What makes it so special to me is that my mom and I picked out all the fabrics for each block weekly and we read the historical essays about woman's rights on each blog post by Barbara Brackman. It was a really fun experience.
My email is:

Quiltingranny said...

My favorite quilt was a purple tumbler block given to me by another quilter Marilyn from North Hills Quilter when I was sick. She felt I make so many for everyone else, she sent me one of my very own!

Mona said...

I love sewing curves. It all started with the Rice Bowl pattern in Kaffe Fassett's first quilting book -- there were circles all over the place on that pattern, and I really struggled to sew around that circle. It turned out okay -- I've actually made that quilt three times in different colorways/styles. Well, since then, I've learned a thing or two, so your book would be a great way to see sewing curves from a new perspective.

Unknown said...

My favorite quilt was a quilt with appliqued western silhouettes. Gave it to my stepdaughter and her husband.

GG said...

A couple of favorites- My first Charity quilt- the little boy wanted a dog on his quilt.
It came out sweet. And I had no pattern-
Paper pieced a small table cover with a pretty bird in it. I love birds, so when I walk by it, it brings a smile to my face.
Lastly, my daughter & I took a class where we learned a new technique & the result was a beautiful wall hanging. I'm shocked myself by how well I did!
Fond memories

Anonymous said...

I received alovely quilt from my quilting friends when I was doing my cancer treatment

Unknown said...

My favorite quilt has bright colors (I make a lot of those)!

Pati Christian said...

My favorite quilts (can't pick just one) have lots of room for quilting, lots of wide open space.

Jo Ann 3 said...

My baby Max's newborn quilt. He is my great nephew, His Mom picked out the colors and I added material from my extensive stash, and cuts of new material. It was fun to see him with his quilt.

Mama Pea said...

My favorite quilt I have made is my Urban Nine Patch. I really want to buy your book. Can't believe I don't have it yet! Thanks again for the wonderful gift!

Kathy E. said...

My favorite quilt is one I made when I was in college and in my first home away from apartment. I made a simple patchwork quilt with purple fabrics. I really didn't know anything about quilting, but it has survived over 35 years and has accompanied me on many trips, outings, and naps! I still love it.

Cecilia said...

My favorite quilt is one I made for a friend who is a missionary in China. I used the Lucky Stars pattern by Terry Atkinson and the Mama Said Sew collection by Sweetwater. I loved the color combination of red, black, gray, and snow.

Quilt Granny said...

My favourite quilt is always the quilt I'm working on right today it's an improved four-patch quilt...and it's really challenging me. I have about 8 inches of outside border to hand quilt and it will be done except for binding. Wish me luck.

mhart37 said...

My favorite quilt is one that I made for my grandma. She wanted to make it, but couldn't due to health reasons so I surprised her with it. It has needle turn appliqués tracings of her children and grandchildren's hands along with photos of everyone. The center photo is my favorite photo of my grandparents taken right before they married.

mhart037 at gmail

Jasmine said...

I've had my eye on your book, and just asked for it at my LQS. :) One of my favorite quilts has 72 different FMQ designs. The piecing went quickly and the quilting was so much fun!

Kristi said...

That pretty hard. I think all my quilts are my favorite. They are like my kids. But I made a quilt for my Mom for her 80th birthday. She has quilts on her bed but, nothing I made her so she was really happy to get one from me.

Anonymous said...

My favorite quilts are the ones that my grandmother made for each of my babies when they were born. She is a lovely woman. She is the reason I quilt.

determineddebby at gmail dot com

amy said...

My favorite quilt is one that was made from a loved one's clothes. I treasure it!

StanleyBeagle said...

My favourite quilt that I've made is actually a work in progress right now! I love the colours and my FMQ has improved immensely!

JudyCinNC said...

My Cottage And Slide Show Quilt are my favorites. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to participate in a giveaway. Judy C in NC

claire ross said...

I have never made a quilt. I have just started dressmaking but would love to tackle quilting next x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favourite quilt is one I hand quilted when my dad was in the hospital. It's a scrappy Delectable Mountains quilt - pinks, purples, green, blues and yellows scraps on a white background.

wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite is a simple striped quilt I made for a friend's twin girls. It's the quilt that got me into quilting! This book looks fun- curves are on my to-do list and of course the fabric is lovely too! Thank you- Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

Amy Osmundson said...


Mokki said...

My favourite quilt was given to me by my mum for my first wedding anniversary. The colours are the colours of my wedding. It's lovely and snuggly and warm which is great in the cold British winters.

Vicki H said...

I was given a quilt made for my dad when he was born. I don't know the name of it but the blocks all have the letter H set on point. H was for the family last name. It's not in the best shape but I love it.

OhioLori said...

My favorite Quilt was given to me, by my Daughter. She made it & brought it from surprise me with a to give me the Quilt! I was going thru 7 weeks of daily Radiation...out of town...& only home weekends. She wanted me to have "Daughter Hugs" with me!! (yes....I cried...) LOOOOOVE my Quilt! A verrrrry Special "Heart Memory"...stitched with Love & Prayers. She is my Treasure! LOVE her!!! :)

Dody said...

My favorite quilt is just a scrap quilt that I made. But it's so cozy.

Kathy Davis said...

When I was ten years old in the 1962, I asked all my neighbors for fabric and my mom taught me to hand sew a Nine Patch Block. Mom helped me put all the blocks together and Dad built a quilt frame. The best part is the whole family helped quilt, including my 2 older brothers. Lots of sore fingers later, we had a finished quilt and the best part is that I still have it today. My favorite quilt. Good memories!!

GranChris said...

I love making Granny Squares quilts so I make a lot of them and give them away.

Jusmom1 said...

I love the "Chocolate" quilt I made my mom!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lee said...

I love the dresden plate quilt my great grandmother made for me!

sisylyn2 said...

I am making a reversible quilt and it will be my first one

Janie said...

I have been quilting for over 25 years. My son has been asking for a black, grey and orange quilt. I couldn't imagine trying to quilt those colors together. Last year I did use his fabrics of choice, it was hard for me to hand him that quilt. I loved it, so does he.

Alice Ronne said...

I still love the flannel rag quilt I made for our son. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tara said...

fave is a vintage one :)
taraz9 (at) excite (dot) com

mlhummy said...

I was given a lovely traditional (Ohio Star) patterned quit several years ago from a sweet friend. It always makes me smile.

Unknown said...

I made a quilt for a friend with Hello Bear fabric. It came out great and it was the first time I was able to get all of my corners to line up. I was ecstatic!

Tiffany said...

Awesome! I've been dying to try quilting with curves lately!
It seems like my favorite quilt is usually the most recent one! Right now I'm making a gorgeous wedding quilt from blank and white damask and chevron prints and just a hint of robins egg blue. It is soooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

The "Mosaic" quilt in the Fat Quarter Style book, which I won in a giveaway.
It came together real quick, and I was invited to do a blog post about my quilt for the giveaway sponsor of the book. How awesome of an opportunity:)


zaney said...

This book is on my amazon wish list. My favorite quilt is probably the chevron quilt I made for my little girl. Thanks!

Unknown said...

My favourite quilt is a quilt I made for my 2nd granddaughter which had ocean waves and appliqued fish and sea stars.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com