Friday, January 25, 2013

Rag it up Quilts ~ QCR Giveaway!

Giveaway is over, thanks!

Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have such talented sisters....In the family we all agree that my sister Sherilyn is most artistic!!  She's recently started a new blog and business called Rag it up Quilts!

Sherilyn is the Queen of making these unique one of a kind Rag Quilts and is in the process of writing up patterns for them!  I'm so excited for her!  

Here are a few of her quilts:

I was lucky to get a unique....just for me rag quilt last year and I love it so much!  It's my favorite snuggle up blanket! my sister doesn't know I'm doing this but I'm want to send some traffic her way so you all can see her fun and unique creativity! 

...and of course I would love to do a Giveaway!  It's been a while since I've had a Quick Curve Ruler and Pattern giveaway.

   Remember Urban Tiles and Urban Winter will be ready here in the next couple of weeks! 

To enter the giveaway all you need to do is go to Sherilyn's Blog, Rag it up Quilts and become her newest follower.  Come back here and leave a comment telling me so.  

If you all ready own a QCR I would love to send one to maybe one of your quilting friends... brother... sister...'m sure you could think of someone!  ;o)

The Giveaway will go through the weekend!




Unknown said...

You have a very talented family! My sister and I have been trying to follow in our Mom's footsteps or should I say quiltsteps. I have your ruler, and would love for my sis to get one too.
My best to you and your wonderful family.

AudreyB said...

Thanks for pointing me to her blog. I love to see all the great ideas out there. Good luck to her!

numna said...

you all are so talented thank you all for sharing your talents and insparation with all of us.

Anonymous said...

I've made a couple rag quilts! The last one I made was a Turning Twenty pattern. I loaded a big old piece of fleece onto my longarm and then quilted the fat quarters to it. When I took it off a cut it apart again to have quilted fat quarters and then cut my fabric according to the pattern and sewed it all together! Saved SOOOOO much time not have to cut 2 or 3 layers of fabrics, sew THEM together and then start piecing. I will like looking at her blog, thanks for the link :)

Lissia Laehn

Barbara O. said...

I'm a new follower of Rag-It-Up Quilts. I've never made a rag quilt, no experience to share. The Charlie Brown quilt you sample is so adorable, is it a pattern?

Rina Mason said...

Are there any more talented sisters waiting in the wings? Love Sherilyn's flower quilt and the stockings are adorable. I'm her newest follower and am looking forward to seeing more of her creations. I have the QCR and love it but am sure my sister would like one of her own instead of borrowing mine all the time.

Sharon S said...

Okay I'm a follower. I would love to win a Quick Curve Ruler for my daughter. We could have so much fun!

SasNi said...

I just visited your sisters blog, It must be great to have sisters who chare the quilting hobby.
I love the Charlie Brown quilt and I now follow the blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow she has some really pretty quilts and she's a brand new blogger! I didn't miss much its nice to be able to follow her from the beginning of her blog. I am now a new follower so hers via e-mail updates.


Debbie S. said...

I'm a new follower of her blog! Perfect timing I was wanting make a rag quilt for a co-worker's new baby, your sister's site inspired me! What talent she has..runs in the family. I would love to win your ruler...I'm in love with Metro Waves. Will you have that pattern to purchase on your site, or just through the Aussie Magazine?
Thanks for 2 great blogs!
Blessings, Debbie S.

Phyllis said...

Great quilts! I am now a follower of her blog.

Quilter said...

I am following your sisters blog. Have never done any curves but it looks interesting.

Rachelle said...

Have just followed your sisters blog, will be interesting to watch

Karen said...

I am now following your sisters blog and look forward to see how she does, thanks for the giveaway!

Gill said...

I'm your sister's newest follower!
I've never made a rag quilt but I'd love to have a go!

Anonymous said...

I'm now following your sister's blog and I do like her quilts Cleta

Joan and Kevin said...

I am a new follower!
Thanks for the giveaway!

charlotte said...

I am going to love the inspiration for more rag quilts. I signed up to follow her. Great to have lots of talent in the family.

Judy said...

Thanks for sharing your sister's talent. I am now a follower.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

I am a follower via email.

Podunk Pretties said...

Of course I joined her site! Who hasn't made the basic sewing squares together to make a rag quilt. She's taken it to a whole new level, very inspiring, her quilts are so comfy and homey. Thanks for sending us a link to your talented sister. You've been holding out on us, who else are you hiding?

denise said...

Ohhh! I'm a sucker for rag quilts. all those ragged ends...I love the look. Denise

jatajomi said...

Thank you ! I´m a new follower for your sisters blog and like her unique creativity.
And its just the right time for the chance for the giveaway, I look for your great ruler .

Anonymous said...

I am really thankful to the holder of this site who has shared this fantastic article at
at this place.
Check out my web-site : Voicewinds

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Wow Jenny -- your sister is so very creative! I'm definitely a follower.. I've never actually made a rag quilt -- here is my inspiration to do so!

Thanks so much.

Quiltsmiles said...

Your family is lucky to have such talented and gifted off spring. Good luck to your sister, may she be as successful as you! Thanks for sharing. Jane

Quiltsmiles said...

I just became a follower of hers too. I Should have mentioned that in my first post, so only use one of these comments in the drawing, sorry about that! Jane

Dorothy Thornton said...

wow thanks for pointing me in her direction. i have become a follower of hers. Her quilts are so unique and wonderful. i love the stockings. cant wait for the patterns.

cpup40 said...

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I'm a new follower of hers. Thank you for having this giveaway.

pbs.seams said...

Love Sherilyn's floral spring quilt, so pretty. I am a new follower of her blog.

Rebecca said...

Cute quilts. Good luck to her. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your awesome looking rulers.

Kathy P said...

I'm now following your sister's blog too. It looks great! Thanks for the chance to win one of your rulers.

wanda said...

I am following your sisters blog, you both have great patterns. I love your QAL, I just need to get a ruler.

Sandra said...

Yes I did it. I am now a new follower for your sister's blog. No, I do not have a quick curve ruler and sure do appreciate the chance to wonderful opportunity to win. What a generous giveaway you have shared with all of your followers.

Sandi Timmons

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower of both your and your sister's blog. Wow, what a talented family!

JudyCinNC said...

This is so timely as I have become interested (downloaded) your Curvy quilt along patterns to start very soon. Picking me would just be the right thing to do because I really need that ruler Mr. RGN, LOL. So much talent in this family and I have visited Sherilyn's blog and signed up to follow. Judy C

JudyC said...

Hi, I am a new email follower of your sister's blog. What fun!!! Thanks for the opportunity to learn new techniques!!!

JoyceLM said...

I just signed on as a follower of the Rag It Up Quilts blog. Thanks so much.

Katie M. said...

Jenny, yes your sisters are very talented ladies (as are you). It must be nice to share your love of quilting with them. And yes, I am now a follower of Sherilyn - gladly I might add....

Anonymous said...

I'm now following your sister. What a talented family!

tmgrable said...

I started following - love her quilts!

Melissa Corry said...

Those rag quilts are so adorable!! And I especially love the stockings :) Congrats to your sister for starting a new business. So exciting for her!! And I am her newest follower :)

Margaret said...

I signed up to follow her. I already have this ruler but I would love to win and gift it to my BFF. I am teaching her to quilt and she is loving it.

Angie in SoCal said...

Love your sister's rag quilts. I went over and became a follower. Thanks for the chance!

gloria l said...

I signed up to be a follower on your sisters blog. Just recently found yours. Love your quilts!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up on your sister's blog. Love rag quilts. I made my son one, and now my husband wants one. They are so soft and snuggly. Thanks for the chance to win your great ruler and patterns.

Cher in Victoria said...

All this talent in one family, looks like a stacked family. Love the quilts with flowers and animals. Wouild really like to win a ruker to share with my BFF. Cher

Janis said...

Talent just drips off your family! I love her YW theme quilt. So going to make one. Blessings!

Anonymous said...


Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

I'm a follower of Rag it up Quilts

Darlene's Dabbles said...

There I did it. I signed up for another quilting blog. I'm sure I will love it as much as I love yours. What a talented family. My sister's don't quilt but I have lots of quilt/friends.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm following Rag it up.

Anonymous said...

Your family is very talented! Wow!

I would love to win your ruler. I signed up as an email follower on the blog.


Anne said...

Your sister is quite talented! Love her quilts.
I'm her newest follower. I've never made a rag quilt, maybe she'll motivate me.

Thanks for the opportunity to win.
anne (at) majesticcollars (dot) com

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I now follow Rag It Up Quilts....I need one of those curve rulers.!!!!
lol I love the first 2 quilts in the post!!

Anonymous said...

New follower to Rag-It-Up-Quilts. Love her quilts. I have been wanting your QCR for some time now. Your quilts are to die for.

barbara woods said...

i am following her blog now thanks

regan said...

I'm her new follower! And I can't wait to see what else she comes up with. I've never done a rag quilt, but these are just too darned cute to not try! thanks!

Nita said...

Happy to follow - she has a great blog and lovely quilts. Thanks!

Shar said...

I love her quilts! Thanks for showing them off! I am a follower of her!

RNC said...

Following! I love those ragged edge quilts! Must try it myself.

Paula Lemos said...

I'm a new follower; thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Cheryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

I just found your blog 2 days ago, and now your sisters!!! You BOTH have wonderful blogs, it's been so fun exploring them both. I am a follower of both blogs and look forward to reading future posts. Your ruler looks so fun, thanks for the chance to win one!!

Unknown said...

Signed up with great pleasure - I love doing the same sorts of design myself (only I zigzag applique the patterns instead of rag them) so I will follow her blog with keen interest in her designs! I really -love- her PP quilt!

KarenT said...

I am now a follower of Helen, you and Sherilyn, you all produce fantastic work, very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog via pinterest. I love the curves! They create a feeling of movement and flow. I made a quilt many years ago with curved pieces. I'm sure it would have gone smoother with your ruler. Love the rag quilts on your sister's blog. Your homes must be so warm with all those beautiful quilts!

Lisa Johnson

Mallorie Anderson said...

I'm now a follower :) Love her rag quilts. I bought one about 5-6 years ago when my son was still in diapers (also before I started quilting) he still loves it but it's now a bit to small! Looking forward to trying to make one with her pattern when she gets them out!

Rainy said...

I started following her blog. It was great timing because I have been wanting to make a rag quilt ever since the cold snap started here in the PNW.

Nancy said...

Just signed up to follow your sister's blog. Her rag quilts are sweet. Might have to make another one myself!!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Olá!,fui vi e gostei muito,é o talento no DNA mesmo.Já fico doida com o trabalho de #2 e agora com a terceira vou ficar maluca de vez...é coisa bonita que não acaba mais.Parabéns.Beijos e Bençãos

Jackie M said...

I've never made a rag quilt; looks like fun! You and your sister are very talented and creative. I am looking forward to reading future blogs from you and your sister. I have your ruler, so if I won, would give it to my "bestie."

Sherril said...

Wow!!!!!! I am so happy that others can enjoy your talent and creativity. Have a good day! Mom

Dianne Mitzel said...

just visited your sister's blog, good luck to both of you in your ventures in the world of quilting. What a talented your work so much...

LJ said...

I am now a follower of Rat It Up. You both are wonderfully creative! Thanks for sending me her way and for a chance to win.

Cecilia said...

I visited your Sister's blog and I'm loving the rag quilts and stockings. Thank you for the chance to win a QC ruler, I don't have one yet.

sherilyn mortensen said...

Thanks mom! That was nice of Jenny! :)

Mom C said...

Love your sister's PP quilt. We made wall hangings when I was a leader but I think the quilts would be more fun and more useful. I'm a new follower. Would love the ruler. Thanks.

~Kelie~ said...

I'm her newest follower! That is so sweet of u to help get her name out in the online community!

sunny said...

Thank you for letting us know about your sisters site.. She is very talented as are you. I really enjoy your posts and find your quilting and designs very inspiring. I have sent many friends to your blog and am looking forward to seeing more of your work,

Dedra C said...

I'm a follower. I am also excited to have another blog full of awesomeness to drool and covet after.

Lynn W said...

Wow, what a talented family! Love the rag quilts.

Zelda said...

Thanks for sharing your sister's website. I can only imagine the creativity that transpires when you both get together. How wonderful to have a sister and especially one that enjoys the same hobbies. Looking forward to following her site along with yours.

Mtclifford said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for sharing your sisters awesome work! All three of you are so talented!

Vicki H said...

I am a new follower of your sister. Thanks for pointing me there, I don't want to miss out on any fun.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Rag it up blog. I am not normally attracted to rag quilts, but there is a control or delicacy in her work that is admirable and attention drawing. Her little characters are adorable. Especially the idea of the cute fellows on the stockings!

Grammieto2 said...

ok signed into your sisters site found it really interesting. so glad to have been directed there and will look forward to following along.

Grammieto2 said...

great site looking forward to following along and see what your up too.

Deb said...

I'm now following your sister's blog. I love her designs. They might inspire me to make another rag quilt.

Deb S.

VickiT said...

Oh my gosh! Her quilts are beautiful. I especially like the very first one you posted with the flowers. That one is awesome and one I'd love to make for my Granddaughter. In fact, I just bought a bunch of gingham fabrics to use on something for her but I wasn't sure what yet. This might be it. I am following her blog with GFC and also via email.

I would love to win your ruler. I do not own one yet. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love Sherilyn's flower quilt and Christmas stockings, so I'm a follower! Thanks for a chance to win the QCR ruler. You've about convinced this traditional quilter to go modern! Mary

Unknown said...

How cool, Jenny. I just became a follower of your sister's blog. Thanks for leading me to her. Her patterns look so fun! Michelle H.

Lisa E said...

I'm a follower of Sherilyn through Google Reader. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous ruler!

Unknown said...

How CUTE!!!! Your sister IS sew creative!! I followed her and thanks for the giveaway!!

Darlington Delights said...

Not only am I your sister's newest follower....I'm also your newest follower. I dropped by from Pile O Fabric.

Farmormor said...

This is fun! I just became a follower of your sister's blog.

Unknown said...

Hi I am a new follower of yours and your sisters. Thanks for the link up. It must be wonderful to share with your sisters your creativity. I am presently showing my sister a little about quilting and we are having lots of fun. Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Just signed up by email on your post and your sisters. Hope it's not to late. Thanks for all your hard work and lovely ideas... both of you.
contentncm at yahoo dot com

Linda said...

I am a new follower of your sister's blog via email. How wonderful to have a sister to share your passion.

MalinisQuilts said...

I just became a follower of RatitUpQuits. Name: Malini

I would love to win the quick curve ruler. I have been eyeing on it since I saw a friend make the Urban Windows quilt ;).

Sharon said...

I just became a follower - what fun quilts! Also planning to join your QAL!

Unknown said...

what a talented her quilts

hueisei said...

I have just became a follower!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Lori L said...

I have just become Sherilyn's follower. Visited her site and she is quite talented. Love the wild west rag quilt.

Sarah_L_N said...

I'm a new Rag-It-Up Quilts follower!