Tuesday, November 13, 2012

THE Double Wedding Ring using the QCR

I can't tell you how many times I've had people come up to me and suggest that I figure out a pattern for the Double Wedding Ring using the QCR!  So many times....it's kind of haunted me....and while Helen was demoing the ruler last week at a Craft Fair in Phoenix, she was asked the very same thing....I could tell it was starting to haunt her too!  

....so we put our heads together.....over the phone that is and both started playing around with the Double Wedding Ring idea.

The first thing I did was googled images for Double Wedding Ring quilts.  That gave me the motivation I needed.  I Played....cut...messed up.....took notes....messed up....squared up.....cut....messed up....and FINALLY this is what came from all my mess ups.

YES!!  No templates...no hand piecing...just cut, sew and of course square up!  It seems like it still needs some tweaking here and there, but it's a start.  Do you like the 4 patch in the centers??
Maybe something different?

...and while I was experimenting...Helen was too.

She took a slightly different approach, but I love what she did.  Her blocks are a little smaller than my blocks...and she has treated each block as one...where I treated each block as two units put together to form one.

...and there you have it, all you inquiring minds....we haven't forgotten about you and are finding a way to make the Double Wedding Ring faster and easier!!  Just hang tight just a little bit longer.  ;o)



Mary said...

Oh, I love, love, love this! Cannot wait until you have this pattern available to purchase!

Lori S said...

I think they are both neat. Helen's seems like a more modern take and yours feels more traditional. I think the four patches help give the traditional feel. Maybe a different color than the yellow as it matches some of the ring pieces very closely? Can't wait to see the rest of your experiments!

Teresa Silva said...

Amazing! I have never made a double wedding ring because it was too time consuming. I would definitely make one of these. Thanks!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Holy cow! I love double wedding rings but the thought of all those templates has always freaked me out.. THIS is brilliant! :)

Kati said...

Love this! Both are fabulous. Can't wait to see it finished!

Little Island Quilting said...

They both look rather fab!

Nancy said...

LOVE!!!! I've never tackled a double wedding ring quilt, but I just might when you get the pattern together!!! Exciting!!!

Aunt Marti said...

Oh Jenny Jenny Jenny, if you need a pattern tester, you know I'm your girl!

Anna said...

I love it!!

**nicke... said...

i am so in love with both of these! i love the 4 patch centers tons!!!

Claudia said...

Can't wait to get this pattern !

Annabella said...

Don't leave us hangin' too long - these look amazing!

Pam said...

good job girls!! xox

Kathy Schwartz said...

Like I keep telling anyone that will listen, this ruler is amazing and so is it's designer! Love both yours and Helen's version of the Double Wedding Ring. I like the 4 patch as it looks traditional and the solid square is more modern so both are great!

Trudi said...

They are both fantastic variations! Traditional and modern, love,the 4 patches, nod to traditional, look forward to seeing more!

CapitolaQuilter said...

both are great and I love the 4-patch centers in yours and the two different alternating ring colors in Helens.

Leeann said...

I really like the second one is very graphic and modern.

JoyceT said...

I love the two color 4-patch in the corner. Yours looked more "traditional" while Helen's looks more "modern." Really, though, I love both of them.

Mama Pea said...

I have been thinking about it, too. I'm glad you did this. What a great idea. I do kind of like the four-patch in the middle. It's unique!

Lynn said...

Oh boy! I love them both. I have never had any desire to make a double wedding ring because I know how much work it is and I don't like applique or paper piecing. I will definitely make one using your ruler though! Well ... I will definitely purchase the pattern. I'd like to make it too, but I'm not sure how much my schedule will allow.

Pam L. said...

Can't wait to see how you both quilt them up! Another great pattern in the making.

Leeanne said...

Love em both!!! I look forward to seeing what design you come up with!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness! Pattern please! I really want to make one for my parents (40 yrs of marriage) and this would be perfect!!!

Vicki in MN said...

They are both just awesome designs, good work girls!!

Sharon said...

Both designs are fabulous !
There is so much to do with the qcr

Anonymous said...

Very impressive!!!!

Auntie Pami said...

Thank you!

Esther said...

You two are amazing. I love this, thanks for figuring it out, I can see one of these in my future.

Beginners Luck Quilter said...

Oh gee I've always wanted to make one of these but I like this idea much better - I like both of them and really love the modern version. Can't wait for the pattern. Thank goodness someone like the 2 of you has the brains to write these patterns!

Sharon S said...

Brilliant! Can't wait for this pattern!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Talento genético...!!!!Gosto dos dois,PARABÉNS DUPLOS.Beijos e bençãos.

Down to Sew said...

LOVE it! I like your more traditional version--are you strip piecing those rings?! What if you did Helen's version of the gray corners, but did every other block blue and yellow so that it looked more like a quarter square triangle instead of a 4 patch....hmmm...

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny, I really like what you and Helen are doing with the double wedding ring ... looks like a hit to me

Barbie Mills said...

These are both beautiful! I really like both ways. I do like the four-patch on the corner, but the plain option is lovely too, especially with the simpler piecing. I think I like the size/scale of Helen's a little better, it seems more circular to me, which is important for a double wedding ring in my opinion. I also like the idea of putting them together in squares rather than triangles, it seems like it might take out a step.

I love that you could strip-piece it in your version, strip-piecing makes me happy. =)

I have GOT to set aside some time to play with my ruler now. So many amazing possibilities!!

Andrea said...

Umm wow is all I can say. This is sooo lovely!

Unknown said...

It's amazing how quilters are embracing the ruler and that the approaches are from both traditional and modern arenas - keep up the good work ladies

Diane said...

you and your sister are amazing! love both takes on the DWRing

Wanda said...

Love this! Can't wait to make one. My ruler is itching! Hopefully we'll see the pattern before you start your next adventure. I do like the four patch in your centers and your colors just a bit more than your sisters but both are inspiring.

Janice said...

Oh I love this. I am waiting for this one to come out. Well done!

jojo said...

Well done!

Angie in SoCal said...

I've always wanted to make this quilt pattern, but the number of pieces always intimidates, so I really look forward to your pattern. Love the 4 patch and colors in yours and love the simplicity of your sister's block.

numna said...

They are both so awesome cant wait one of my favorite quilts i could definetly do this one waiting very unpatiantly you two are awesome

Anita said...

Wow, they both look amazing! I love the little four patch centers and then the single fabric rings! Can't wait for the pattern :)

Shannon said...

Well, you've done it again! This is genius!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!!

Danih03 said...

The double wedding ring is the first quilt that I ever wanted to make. It's the one that caused me to long to be a quilter before I ever was. I have yet to make a double wedding ring quilt, but with this technique, I just might! I still need to get your ruler, though. I am beginning to see just how versatile it really is! Great job!!

Carli The Quilter said...

I ordered your new ruler and then this arrives in my inbox. Yeh!!
I've wanted to make a DWQ for years, I think your new tool will help me get started!