Friday, September 19, 2014

Exciting Things Happening!!

So many exciting things in the works!!

After much team work, Chic Shells is complete!! Helen began with this amazing design, all three of us collaborated and worked out a few important details, Sherilyn pieced it and Helen put the finishing touch on it - with some amazing quilting!! We are thrilled with how it turned out.:-)

Our new website launches next Tuesday
Woot Woot!! Lots of hard work but well worth it! Be sure to check it out!


Jenny wrote an excellent post today about quilting fillers. Go to Pattern Jam and check it out! It's sure to inspire! 


We hope everyone's having a fun time with the Curve It Up Challenge! We're loving the pictures we're seeing on Flickr and IG. Remember to #ciuchallenge. Keep up the great work! If you haven't begun yours, it's absolutely not too late!! 

Jenny and Sherilyn are making progress on their quilts. Obviously, by these two examples, This pattern has endless possibilities! Thanks to everyone who let us know what challenge you're doing. Continue to let us know! We're curious and want to get excited with you! :-)

Happy quilting everyone!! 

-Sew Kind of Wonderful- 


Marj said...

I really like the new clamshell pattern. Will it be available Tuesday?

Angie in SoCal said...

what a great clamshell pattern! This post was great - so much news. I invite you to link it to HExie Weekend. That clamshell quilt is sure to be popular.

Mary said...

Lots of good news and pretty quilts. I met you in Heber at the Quilt show in June. Bought the ruler, but haven't had a chance to play with it. Maybe at my Retreat in Oct? One of our LQS did a Demo of the ruler at our Quilt show today.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

a lot going on for guys...good luck. the clam shell quilt is fantwstic

Sandy said...

Stunning! Can't wait for the pattern!

jrrescuepa said...

Love the pattern. Can't wait!

Farm Quilter said...

What a fun pattern with fabulous quilting!!! Obviously a 5 star collaboration!!!

sherilyn mortensen said...

Our Chic Shells and Chic Kisses patterns will be available Oct. 25!!

Unknown said...

I enjoy life when things are happening. I don't care if it's good things or bad things. That means you're alive. See the link below for more info.
