Friday, March 22, 2013

A Good Day!

Just a few things to making it a good day today!

 My n-law's gave me this beautiful yellow Orchid yesterday for my Birthday!

Woke up to this wonderful surprise!  Hello Spring!  First snow fall this winter/spring.

 I get to work on this quilt pattern today!!

....and later today, the Drunkards Path "Curve it up" block will be posted!

....and if the weather cooperates, lunch with some very special girl friends.



Kathy Schwartz said...

I see you got the birthday present I send...SNOW! ;)
Happy Birthday Jenny!

SasNi said...

Happy Birthday! Wish you all the best!

Down to Sew said...

Ack! is it time for the next block already?! I havent even started the last one... :) Happy birthday!

Judi said...

Happy Birthday Jenny! I won't ever forget your birthday now either! It was my daughters birthday yesterday too! March 21st is a great day! The snow looks so pretty, but I don't miss it! ;-)

MyCretanlife said...

Happy Birthday. Here in the UK we are sick of snow this winter.

Leeanne said...

Happy Birthday! Beautiful flowers, but I love the look of the snow!

Sharon S said...

Happy Birthday. Love the new blocks you are working on. I think the gals at In Between Stitches in Livermore will love this one!

Auntie Pami said...

Omg, how sweet! Love the block!

Have a very happy birthday!

Quiltjane said...

Happy Birthday! I really enjoy visiting your page and seeing all the amazing blocks and quilts.

evaj said...

Happy Birthday!!

jen said...

Yes! I am anxiously awaiting that pattern. Happy day!

Rebecca Grace said...

Happy Birthday, and enjoy that beautiful SNOW!

carla said...

Hi!!! Happy Birthday!!!! Beautiful orchid!!! Love it!!! Love the block you are working on!!! Very pretty!!!

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday, Jenny! Beautiful orchid. Wow, you sure got some white stuff. We just had a few flakes up north from you; nothing that stayed around very long. Shucks, I've really been wanted a few days of snow all winter. It's been such a mild winter in this part of the country.

Barbie Mills said...

Happy birthday, Jenny! Your orchid is beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful day!