Saturday, September 22, 2012

Challenge Day 31

It's day 31 of my Extended 31 Day Challenge. I just finished Thelma's quilt and LOVE how it turned out.   

It wasn't till I took Thelma's quilt of my machine and laid it out on the floor....that I fell in love.  It turned out better than I could have imagined!

Knowing I wanted to do some feathers in the open area's I used double batting, Hobbs and Warm and White.  I think this helped the feathers show up, since most all the fabric had a busy pattern.

I opted to not do any extra quilting in the 1/2 square triangles because I wanted those to stand out as just being 1/2 square triangles.  I stitched in the ditch for them and really like how they stand out as being bold and surround the feather area's like a grid.

I used a light tan thread throughout the whole top and white thread for the back.  It took me about 10 hours to do up.

Thelma's piecing was phenominal and the quilt in the end was an absolutely beautiful square quilt!  

27 of 30 Finished 



Brittani said...

You did a fantastic job on the quilting, I'm so jealous of how perfect her piecing is!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Ficou maravilhosa como tantas outras que você fez. Que DEUS continuará te abençoando e protegendo a você e o seu talento eu não tenho dúvidas mas,não custa repetir não é?DEUS te abençoe e proteja sempre e para sempre,amem.AMÉM?Beijos e muuuuitas bençãos.

Trudi said...

Just perfect! Such a beautiful quilt :)

Scooquilt said...

Congrats on almost finishing in 31 days. This may be my favorite one- love those feathers.

Pam said...

yeah jenny !! it is gorgeous xoxox

Sherril said...

It is awesome!

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Your quilt is gorgeous!!

Think Outside the Box said...

Beautiful quilting Jenny!

A.M. Gwynn said...

Perfection! But when is it not Jen.

Lisa D. said...

Wow - it's incredible, Jenny. I think Thelma will love it! I loved yesterday's post with your 2 very cute assistants.

Melia Mae Quilting said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love that you only stitched in the ditch on the triangles. They really popped. Did you use a ruler when you did that or free handed it? Excellent work.

Judi said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Perfect!

Marian-Lady Face said...

Wow this is beautiful!!! I can't get over how talented you are!!

Derrith said...

That turned out so beautifully. I really enjoy your blog!

Dawn said...

Beautiful work as usual, Jenny! Your quilting really enhances the piecing. Is this THE Thelma of Cupcakesndaisies, by any chance?

giddy99 said...

Fabulous work! It is lovely!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

AWESOME quilting Jenny!

Mama Pea said...

The quilting is awesome. I love all those feathers inside the big squares. Wow. You just amaze me. I wish I had an ounce of your talent!