Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Starving for some creative time!

Summer is finally coming to an end.  School starts Wednesday!!  All 5 kids will be in school this year, until the first of February, when the baby comes.

I've been starving for some creative time and it's just eating at me right now.  It's been way to long since I've been able to have some time of my own to create, quilt and play with new designs.

There are a few things that are first on my list to do after school starts.

I can't wait to quilt up these quilt tops I've had done for quite some time now, most of them are upcoming patterns.

 ...and there are the last of the customer quilts that are part of my 31 Day Challenge.  I really can't believe I only have a few left to do up.  I haven't had this few of quilts for about 5 yrs!

....and I'm just loving this black and white fabric.  I love it so much, I'm dreaming up designs for it in my head.  I love how inspiration can come from fabric.  My challenge for this fabric will be coming up with a design that works with big print fabric.  I also want to pair it with one of other solid color.  

....this is my favorite part of quilting.  Taking something and challenging myself to come up with a design that in the end I fall in love with!

Now to be a bit more patient and finish up last minute school stuff for the kids and then I can satisfy my hunger for some creative fun!!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Banks Lake Pictures

We are back from our Banks Lake Trip and had such a great time!!  I loved so many of my pictures but narrowed them down to some of my favorites.

My 7 yr. old jumping off a cliff!

My oldest son.  Just finished jumping off the cliff.

My daughter on left and her friend having a blast tubing!

Jared taking my daughter out to Jet Ski.

My sweet Trayton.

Jared taking my other daughter out to Jet Ski.

There she go's.

My 7 yr. old on the right tubing with his friend.

My daughter in the middle tubing with friends.

Brooke and her friend in their Mermaid Bottoms.

My sweet Toby.

Back to life again and of course QUILTING!!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tester's Needed

My sister Helen @ HGMR Deco Quilting has some patterns in the making and will need some tested very soon.  So if your interested and you own a Quick Curve Ruler.  Let us know and we'll contact you by e-mail.

You can contact Helen directly if you'd like.  Her e-mail address is:

Again, you will need the Quick Curve Ruler to test her patterns and thanks so much!  I'm so excited for her and she's coming up with some amazing designs that only my little eyes have seen so far.  ;o)



Friday, August 17, 2012

Challenge Day 29

I can't believe I'm doing a 31 Day Challenge post!  It's challenge day 29 and unfortunately I'm going to have to pick up my challenge, again....when we get back from another weeks vacation.

I did manage to get Fran's quilt finished today and she loved it!

I did an all over freehand hook feather.  You can view a tutorial on how I do this here.   

I LOVE how it turned out!  There was so much white area, that it really made the feather design pop and also gave the quilt some motion.


25 of 30 Finished


Goodbye Urban Pods

I had to say goodbye to 6 of my quilts this morning.  They are on their way down to Tacoma and will be spread throughout Quality Sew and Vac stores for classes that will be taught on my patterns. 

Urban Chained will keep Urban Pods seat warm while he is gone.

I am of course thrilled that my quilts will be on show and classes will be taught on my patterns, but am still really sad to let them go.  Really sad.  I was thinking this morning why I feel this way.  When I started my longarm quilting business over 5 years ago, I 100% immersed myself into the business and didn't piece or quilt anything for myself for a long time.  After a while, this really started to get me down, until I picked it up again and the quilts I've sent off this morning are a reflection of me finding myself again in a quilting sense and that's why it's so hard to let them go.  They mean so much more to me than just another quilt.  I'll be fine and I'm sure they will be too.


Yesterday I was giddy all day long because I got my first distributor order and guess where from?


How awesome is that!


How do you make a white quilt with blue stars feminine?

You quilt beautiful feathers all over it!

I finally started Fran's quilt, one of the nicest ladies ever!  She always gives me a hug before she leaves my house and if she ever knew how much I look forward to those hugs!

These feathers aren't my fast feather and the rest of my morning and afternoon will be feather filled!



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Unexpected Bunk Beds

The last couple of days has been special for my two daughters.  They've been begging for bunk beds for a very long time and my husband got a bug in him to do just that and make them some bunk beds!

Yesterday was a beautiful day and perfect day to paint them white.  They even had time to dry.  We assembled them last night and the girls even got to sleep in them.   

My husband made these from scratch and the girls love them!

I made these quilts about 7 yrs ago when the girls slept in bunk beds, before their brothers took them over.  I made these before owning my longarm and pieced and quilted big strips while assembling them together.  I was a little obsessed with kaleidoscope quilts at the time I made these.  It was fun to get them back out and they work perfect on their new beds!

I've finally loaded a customer quilt and will quilt it up tomorrow and of course show some pictures when I'm done.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer Piecing and Yummy Fabric

I actually thought I would have time to work on patterns this summer and finish my 31 Day Challenge and boy was I wrong!!

Believe it or not today was the first day this whole summer I got to work on a pattern in the making and am finally loading another quilt this evening to continue on with my challenge.

I pieced up two more of these blocks.  I'm not sure the name of them yet?

It felt so weird to do sew today but good!!

I have 4 blocks done now and 8 more to go.  I'm still deciding on a name for this quilt.  

So often I'm inspired by fabric when it comes to choosing a design and the "Echo" line of fabric was my complete inspiration for these blocks.  I'm so happy with how they are turning out and can't wait to finish them all up. 

While I was in Vancouver last week I fell in love with this black and white print called "marchesa".  I'm brainstorming a two fabric quilt with it and one other solid color.  Maybe the blue, maybe not?

Isn't it amazing!!


Friday, August 3, 2012

Presentation Pictures and Winner #2

I'm back from my little trip and had a great time presenting my ruler and showing my quilts. 

My Sister-n-law and niece went with me and my niece took the pictures.  

I think I may have been a little too much for some of these quilters.  I'm really quite a dork when speaking.  I just try to keep it fun and one lady came up to me afterward and said I was a breath of fresh air.....her comment made it all worth it!!  I just want to keep it real.  

I loved hanging out with my sister-n-law and niece and of course picked up some beautiful fabrics at the Craft Warehouse.

Now for Winner #2.  Ramona was the first winner and she all ready had the ruler, so I picking a winner #2!

Congratulations Grey Cat!!
Grey Cat said...

I've just become a follower on Helen's blog. Looking forward to seeing more of her work!



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quick Curve Ruler Winner

It was so much fun to see Helen's followers go from 6 to 91!  The best part was she didn't know I was going to do that.  ;o) out of 93 entries, the random generator chose number 88

Congratulations Ramona!!
Ramona said...I just love the block Helen created. It's just beautiful. I am now following her blog. Thanks for introducing us.

Today I'm heading down to Vancouver to a couple of quilt parties, hosted by Craft Warehouse to talk a little bit about my ruler and business and show all my quilts.  I get to hang out with my sister-n-law and am looking forward to it!  I'll make sure to take pictures.
  ......and one of these days, between vacations and family coming to town I'll finish my challenge.  I have 5 quilts waiting for me!
