
Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Sew Expo"

Sew Expo!
A few things I learned over the last few days!
...remember to eat breakfast
...make sure to wear deodorant
...wear comfortable shoes
...pull long bangs back
...wear a watch
...remember to smile
...groom finger nails
...take water
...take mints
...keep it simple
...take granola bar
...hold bladder
...dry mouth
...remember to smile
...Urban Birthday quilt looks like wine glasses
...hold bladder
...dry mouth
...cut fabric~stash cut fabric~cut fabric~stash cut fabric
...remember to smile
...hold bladder
...remember to bring rotary cutter
...remember to smile
...believe in your self I've got some piecing to do!

I had a great experience.  Each day that went by got a little easier.  The first day was the hardest.   I was trying to do to much...with a headache.  Yesterday and today I kept it more simple, smiled and it went much better!  

The ladies at Quilt Works Northwest were so nice to work with and always asked me if I needed anything.    

I also met a few ladies person to person that I've met through blogging, a few that already had my ruler and read my blog.  That by far was my FAVORITE part!!  

Thanks again for your encouraging words and support!

Oh..and Jared took Brittany to the Dentist and they took X-rays for root damage and tested her nerve and she is going to be fine!!  Jared thought it would be funny to call me while I was at Sew Expo and tell me that Brittany's tooth is going to fall out!!  Not funny at all!!



  1. So glad you had a good experience at the Sew Expo -- and you really made me homesick for Tacoma. REALLY glad Brit's tooth is OK. Aren't you glad you took your Aunt Martha's advice?

  2. Glad you made it through sew expo....I knew you would do well. Also glad your daughter's tooth is okay.

  3. Oh, Jenny, I just got in the door from Sew Expo. What a fantastic day! Sorry I missed meeting you. The couple times I went by the Quiltworks booth, you weren't there. I did buy all your patterns. Thanks for sending the ruler. I can't wait to try them out!

  4. Great list - glad you had a great time. Hope it was a great success for you.

  5. Believe in yourself should be at the top of your list. I'm glad things went well. Always hard the first time around.

  6. Hi Jenny, I met you yesterday and I bought your tool. I can't wait to follow your tutorials and try it out! Glad you are having a good time at Sew Expo!

  7. Congratulations on your first major showing. You survived, you learnt a LOT, and you got to see the positives and negatives of quilters. I bet in the end there were way more positives along the way, all enhanced and blessed by those who 'knew' you and hunted you out. Next time it will be different again and I'm sure filled with more blessings and encouragement. Well done, onward and upward.
    PS: It would be great now if you had a call to 'show' on the Moda Bake shop blog - fingers crossed.

  8. 'groom fingernails' that makes me giggle. I can relate. Glad to know your daughter is fine..what a relief..and your experience at Sew Expo was (in spite of the headache) good.

  9. so proud of you Jenny!!!! CONGRATS!!
    can't wait to hear more!!! xxoooo

  10. Glad it went so well! Congratulations! Hope you get lots of orders. Glad the tooth is okay!

  11. Congratulations on your first Sew Expo Jenny!! I enjoyed reading your list and totally got the 'hold bladder' when your nervous. Glad to hear your daughters tooth is going to be okay and that Jared thought twice about his phone call. Not funny is right!

  12. It was such a treat to meet you at Sew Expo! I bought your ruler and Urban Beads pattern--can't wait to get started :)

    For the record, you didn't seem nervous at all while you were demonstrating at the booth--I hope it was a success!

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  14. I can learn much from you Jenny.. I admire you for stepping out of your comfort zone and making good things happen. It sounds like it was a great experience and that you met some wonderful people. I am gratrful too that Brittany is okay. I love you all

  15. I can learn much from you Jenny.. I admire you for stepping out of your comfort zone and making good things happen. It sounds like it was a great experience and that you met some wonderful people. I am gratrful too that Brittany is okay. I love you all

  16. congrats jenny! i am so excited for you!
