
Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Sew Expo" update I wanted to let you know how it went.  

Just a bit overwhelming!  I had no idea that "Sew Expo" was so big!    I thought I was showing up early and as I drove by the entrance there was all ready a line outside of people waiting for the doors to open!  Ugh....stomach dropped a little bit at that moment!

Long story short, It went well.  I smiled and demoed and did my thing.....a lot were intrigued and a lot weren't and I just smiled and kept doing my thing.  I passed out some business cards and a couple rulers were sold while I was there and many said they would be back...It was a great first day and a great learning day.  Definitely doing a couple of things different make it easier for me.  

I left about 12 with a massive headache!!  My daughter had her last basketball game this afternoon and so I wanted to get back to that.... now I want to talk a little bit about my Brittany...she's got a competitive streak in her and she didn't get it from me!....when it comes to sports that is!

Poor girl got hit in the mouth during the the same girl that elbowed her in the math the last time they played the same team.  ;o(
 ...but this time it pushed one of her front teeth back and I'm so worried it did nerve damage.  She was a trooper and went back out to play and sadly they lost, but they played hard!  My nerves are still frazzled from that!!

Brittany is the one in the middle.  Love her and she fought a good fight today...her mouth is a little swollen and the gum above her tooth is a little worried, hope she'll be ok!


..and we are going to the Dentist in the morning!


  1. Jenny, I can't believe no one has commented thus -- but: call your dentist FIRST THING in the morning. Whether or not her tooth is still swollen or bothering her. First thing! (Aunt Martha SAYS!)

  2. So sorry about your daughter...sure hope her tooth is okay. I think your new tool and patterns are so wonderful...I haven't tried them yet but it sure is fun to read about your have definitely found your niche.

  3. I'm glad the expo went well. I'm so sorry to hear about Britt. I hope that her tooth is okay!

  4. We love your ruler and designs, just keep smiling!! Now that you have day one under your belt the rest will be much easier!! And prayers to Brittany that all will go well tomorrow! :^)

  5. The worst is past - you've got over day one - I'm sure each day for the rest of the show will get easier and you'll have less traditionalists and more modern quilters in over the weekend.
    I hope Brittany's tooth is OK - I'd suggest she gets it checked out by the dentist, just to be sure.
    Good luck today. Deep breath, silent prayer, and trust in yourself. We believe in your ruler and designs, others will too.

  6. GO JENNY GO !
    good thoughts for brittany's tooth..i think they most often tighten up again....fingers crossed xoxoxoxoxo

  7. GO JENNY GO !
    good thoughts for brittany's tooth..i think they most often tighten up again....fingers crossed xoxoxoxoxo

  8. I'm sure this demo thing will get easier each day. Sorry about your daughter's tooth. I hope she is okay.

  9. The demo thing is really exhausting. Easy to see how you'd come away with a headache...lost of noise, and you have to be ON the whole time. I bet you had a sore throat, too. Hope it went well! Is Sew Expo something for people who own stores or for customers?
