Monday, September 12, 2016

We LOVE Pattern Jam!

We are excited to announce we are partnering with Pattern Jam!  Pattern Jam is the world's easiest quilt design software.  One of its many features allows the user to access pre-loaded patterns and customize the fabrics and color layout..... How COOL is that!  Then the quilt is printed as a panel and sent directly to you :-)

Pattern Jam now has several of our original pattern designs.  Check out the Pattern Jam blog about our collaboration here  and see which of our designs are featured there.  Go to Pattern Jam > Ready-to-quilt-shop > Sew Kind of Wonderful.  You can order them as they are featured on the site, as I did with Urban Candy, or you can color and select fabrics to make your own version as I did with Chic Country.  Either way, it is a fun process!  
Urban Candy

Here are some links to some of the patterns we have on Pattern Jam:

Pattern Jam is great for customized quick quilt panels that are great to custom quilt, overall quilt or even tie.  It is also a great option for the non-sewer who wants to have a part in the creative quilt process without the sewing machine and rotary cutter being involved.

Use discount code: SEWKINDOFWONDERFUL to received 20% off your order at Pattern Jam through September 19.

We are also doing a giveaway with the Chic Country panel I ordered.  To enter, please click on the Pattern Jam link here and check out all the fun you can have!  Then leave a comment on the post about your experience.  For another chance to win go to: sewkindofwonderfulhelen on Instagram and leave a comment and/or tag a friend.
Chic Country

Both comment streams will be combined and one winner will be selected the morning of September 19.  

~ Helen, Jenny & Sherilyn ~


Anjeanette said...

I was just on pattern jam this weekend. I looked at this very design!I have this pattern and both of your rulers, but I love the idea of a panel for quick gifts! What a great pairing, pattern jam and you! (

Linda said...

The colors of the panels are very vibrant and would work wonderfully for a quick gift. How clever!

amy said...

These fabrics are just the neatest idea! I really like Chic Country. I was browsing the site and saw several others that would make great quilts.

Unknown said...

I have ordered from Pattern Jam and love them! I love that you have now partnered with them to provide panels as well, can't wait to try some out!

MD White said...

I found them last week on IG after they <3 on of my photos. What a great idea ! And I was excited to see your designs there. Thx for the discount code. I'm gonna give them a try!

Karen M said...

Thanks for sharing information about Pattern Jam. So many designs that I would never actually sew. A great way to get a great looking project done without the hassle.

Malu said...

I already colored your patterns on Pattern Jam and it is great fun. I just love it and the discount on the finished panels is wonderful.
What do you think about making the panel of the Chic Country bigger? Would that be possible?

DuAnne said...

What a great idea! I would love to try one of these! Thanks!

What Comes Next? said...

What a neat site! I can see this being another rabbit hole! Love the idea of being able to practice my free motion on one of your fabulous designs without having to piece it first. The ability to customize is very cool, too.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

At first, I was thinking this was beyond my non-tech brain, but after playing around for a bit, I got it. Very fun!

Unknown said...

That is so cool! I loved looking through what everyone else had designed, and have to admit I got way to involved in it! Beautiful! Wonderful idea for quick quilts or complicated quilts!

Helen L said...

I love the Chic Country and played around with different fabric choices in it. I've been a member of Fabric Jam for awhile now, but hadn't been there for a month or two. It was good to go back and see what they've been up to!

Michele T said...

I've tested Pattern Jam quite a few times and love the creative experience!!! Love the idea of these panels... Very ingenious and perfect for a new uilter or a quick gift project!!

SEWNYA said...

A lot of fun, maybe too much fun! Need to get dinner fixed. I do like the colors in the Chic Country top, especially adding just a pop of the oranges.

ittehgaps said...

Love that I can plan a quilt using my own fabric swatches. And the help with the math saves my brain the exercise. Love playing with pattern jam. Cindy bluemoonstencilsatyahoodotcom

Kathryn said...

What a good idea to pair with Pattern Jam. I love the flexibility of fabric choices.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I love your Chic Country pattern & it was great to go to Pattern Jam & try different fabric line & colorways.

Anonymous said...

Quite a different idea--the Pumpkin quilt was a good one for this time of year.
bjkaup at abbnebraska dot com

Susan Lynn said...

Crazy Brilliant Idea! I do enjoy piecing the tops but if I was in a rush to get some presents made this could easily fill the bill!!!

Angie said...

The patterns are so cute, and I love the premise of this. I'm a novice quilter, but I would love to still make a pretty project!!

Anonymous said...

Loved my visit there ! Lots of things to put on my to do list!!

Unknown said...

These are beautiful and so fun to quilt!!!!

Carol said...

Just placed an order for Metro Hoops, can't wait for it to arrive!

WYO Di said...

I enjoyed seeing the variety of patterns on your web page. So many of a modern flair!

Unknown said...

I love Pattern Jam! I picked up three panels from the mailbox today & still looked at their new stuff online.

Hannele said...

What a great idea to work together with PatternJam - I love the idea: owning a longarm and learning to quilt with it this way is just remarkable!

Unknown said...

I was happy to see you and pattern jam working together, brilliant!

Debbie said...

Two companies coming together to make it easier to get these great, modern patterns. Brilliant idea! Thank you for thinking of it.

Connie said...

I am new to Pattern Jam and so far I love all the patterns. Glad to see that you are a partner.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing idea! These would also be great for a new longarm quilter to hone their skills.

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

They are all beautiful quilt tops!

Unknown said...

Wow! Pattern Jam has come a long way in such a short period of time. I haven't been there in a little while now. I love the new website layout, it's even easy to navigate on mobile which is where I find myself browsing the most. I'll admit I didn't love it to pieces when it first came out but boy do I really love it now! I left after a half hour visit feeling so inspired. Thanks for this awesome giveaway, I'm so glad I had the chance to see Pattern Jam again in a different, brighter light. I'll definitely be using it more now.

Unknown said...

I've always loved this quilt design. I'm thrilled that it's available on pattern jam

Karen said...

I loved seeing all the panels on Pattern Jam. I have 2 very active grandsons over today do not able to play around too long...but I'll be back! I love your Country Chic pattern...Thanks for the chance to win it!

Karen said...

I loved seeing all the panels on Pattern Jam. I have 2 very active grandsons over today do not able to play around too long...but I'll be back! I love your Country Chic pattern...Thanks for the chance to win it!

jan metcalf said...

Your quilts are gorgeous!! Glad to have seen them on Pattern Jam!

Monica said...

I've loved pattern jam for a very long time :) I never thought I could design a quilt on my own and now i easily can!

Anonymous said...

HI,just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wow - this is an awesome idea! I love the vast assortment of quilts to choose from and I especially love that there are some that you can customize with text. Brilliant! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link. said...

I love pattern jam, and your quilts are beautiful! What a wonderful idea!

stichnRN said...


Val Brooks said...

OH MY....I LOVE Sew Kind of Wonderful and I have recently found and fell in love with PatterJam. I am quilting my very first Ready to Quilt top and I have my second one on my way. My next order will absolutely 100%, without a doubt be a Sew Kind of Wonderful quilt top....YIPPY SKIPPY

Unknown said...

Perfect colours for a quilt to celebrate the arrival of my grandson - due on the day your giveaway ends. Wouldn't that be something?!
Wonderful software design and great partnership. ��

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi and thank you for the give away! I love the winding ways pattern and have started it but it's still wip. 'Ready to Quilt' is so great idea! x Teje

Carol Sloan said...

What a great service! I can't wait to do more than play @patternjam. And I love, love, love the quilt pattern that is offered in the give-away! It is my favorite SKW pattern! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I will totally have to spend some time on pattern jam! Such an ingenious idea!!!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

I just had WAY, WAY too much fun playing with your designs on there! I'm terrified of sewing curves, so you've made me so very happy! Thank you

Meagan said...

Beautiful pattern and colors!

Michelle said...

Wow! What a great idea! I would love to try one of your patterns from Pattern Jam! I have the QCR and some of your patterns,but this is a real time saver and let's me get right to my favorite part...the longarm quilting!

Scrap Happy Quilting said...

What a great idea! I love the patterns and the panels would be lots of fun to quilt.

Paula. K. said...

Don't know how to choose, so many great ideas!
Paula K.

Jodi said...

I am very new to quilting (haven't finished one yet) but one of the things i find daunting is doing the "Sandwich", and quilting and binding it. I don't want to mess up a quilt top I have spent months and hundreds of dollars worth of quilting cottons in. My sister recently told me about Pattern Jam and having explored a little I think it would be an amazing way to get a "practice top" to work on without all the hard yards invested in the piecing but still have something worthy of the effort to "sandwich", quilt and bind it.
I am really excited to see such amazing quilt designers who are willing to share their designs in this way.

Carol G said...

What fun to design!

Wendi said...

Wow, I can't believe the selection! This is a great idea when you need something beautiful - and quick! Thanks!

Sewfee said...

I have never seen these Pattern jams before and I LOVE them. I really want to make one

pippirose said...

Fabulously fun! Love the great ideas. :o)

Karen said...

Such a fun idea. I love being able to pick my favorite colors and fabrics without the work of cutting and piecing.

Jen Barnard said...

I love the panels, they would let me make a quilt that is more complicated than I'd want to piece myself, and I'd still get to pick the fabrics.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Helen@Till We Quilt Again said...

Love all your patterns and will be working on my sons wedding quilt "Metro Rings" while on a retreat in a few weeks. Wahoo--This one would just add to my collection! Fingers are crossed.