A while ago my daughter Brittany and I on a Sunday afternoon put this ???? quilt together. No name yet?
It was made with a Layer Cake, I believe it's called "Sugar Pop". It was really fun and easy to do up.
I've had full intentions on doing up a pattern but for some reason haven't. Maybe it's pattern worthy, maybe it's not.
Please, I need some honest opinions and my feelings don't hurt easily so don't worry about that.
Okay....what do you think? Pattern? No pattern?
Oh course; a pattern...I think it's really neat. It reminds me of baby rattles.
it reminds me of wine goblets.
Go for it. I'd call it Sugar spoons.
I like it. Please tell me it was easier than it looks to put together. I think it is pattern worthy. Reminds me of hour glasses stretched out.
I love all your patterns but this one doesn't reach out and grab me. It's pretty but for some reason reminds me of egg cups. Maybe if it were done in different fabrics. Just my opinion.
Yup, needs a pattern. Reminds me of baby rattles, q tips, and oars. I'd probably go with something like "Sunday w/Brittany," "Brittany, Mom & a Sunday Afternoon."
pnconverse at hotmail dot com
Interesting. Maybe write it up for a baby quilt?
I think it looks a lot like an egg cup or an hour glass.
What it looked like to me at first was a Paris mannequin, you know, the bust, the waist, the hips on a kind of like pedestal, all it needs is a head!
It reminds me of Lava Lamps, yeah I'm that old.
I see egg cups ;-)
I really like this pattern and I think it looks like teaspoons! I think you should come up with some clever name about spoons and totally make the pattern- it's super cute!
It kind of reminds me of lava lamps.
Do it!!! Lava lamps!!!!! Retro is in...big time!!
my opinion...i think it's just okay. the pattern is cool but i feel sensory overload by the prints. i would make this pattern with one print and a lot of solids that go with said print. sorry to be lame.
my brain wants the ends of the "rattles" to come to points, instead of cut off and touching another one. Silly brain. ;) But that's why this design doesn't work for me. That detail bugs me every time I look at it. I love how we're all different!
I like it! I think they look like cute eye shadow applicators.
I like it! Of course a pattern would be great. The design reminds me of egg cups!
Don't laugh, but it somehow reminds me of circus and juggling :)
YES to a pattern! I looked at it & thought of the name 'Candy Delite" or 'Candy Store'
I have watched all your video's & now I am finally going to use my curved ruler & the pattern I bought from you, I am off to a retreat next week, I thought perfect time! Thanks again for all your lovely blog posts.
Great to see you have so many of your patterns as a PDF, as postage to New Zealand is a bit scary!
I love this quilt. I see vases when I look at it. I don't think that I personally would make it/buy a pattern, but I love the design for what it is. There is so much to look at.
Pattern please. Love the name
It reminds me of those little wooden scoops/spoons that used to come with icecream cups. Sort of like "double scoops". (grin)
My vote is to make a pattern.
Looks like Maracas to me...
Oh, I think that is totally pattern-worthy ! The name, "Lava Lamps" smacked me right in the lips !
Seriously, though, I REALLY LIKE THIS. Can I have it........please?
It's not my favorite. It's a little too busy with too many different colors/patterns.
It's cute! It reminds me of hard oiled eggs in fancy dishes
I see so many different things: chalices, bikini tops (weird, I know, butturn it sideways), dumbbells, lava lamps. I kinda like the pattern and it would look very different if the material wasn't so busy, I think. I might pick a more specific colorway.
I love it Jenny. Reminds me of a few things: wine glasses, tall egg cups with egg on top, thistles. Yes, pattern please.
I like it. I think they look like baby rattles.
I like it. I think they look like baby rattles.
I see mushrooms - magic mushrooms....
When I looked at your quilt, I saw ice cream cones... maybe in a fun house mirror, but Ice Cream Social? Funky Ice Cream Social?
I also like the lava lamp suggestion that several people have made. Why NOT make a pattern???
Yes, the design is worth a pattern. I would love to see another quilt with a quilting that follows the design, like quilting the the grey areas different than the colored ones. It's nice to have a daughter who shares your passion for sewing and quilting.
It reminds me of flower vases. Yes, definitely worthy of a pattern. It would be fun to see it in different color scheme.
Pattern, definitely. It looks like ice cream cones. I think that should be the name....I Scream for Icecream. Awesome job.
Pattern, definitely. Spoons.
If the background fabric was different, i think this quilt would be great!
Pattern of course! Reminds me too of lava lamps!
This is wonderful! I love it that people see so many different shapes/items. I see maracas and think FUN! Please do make the pattern!
Honestly I feel that the solid is the wrong color or it didn't photograph well. I like the pattern but that quilt doesn't showcase it at all. Not enough contrast also.
Hmmm....It's kinda cool. Reminds me of apple cores. Undecided yet. :-)
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