Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lisa's Quilt

I finished Lisa's quilt today and love how it turned out!  

 I feel like it took me longer than it should have.  I guess dealing with a leaky drain pipe and loosing about 10" of quilting space because of a constantly growing tummy will do it.

I really struggled at first about leaving some open spaces un-quilted in the motif, but I am really pleased I did, now it's all done. 

I used double batting.  Warm and white on the bottom and Hobbs on top.  Lisa always does a beautiful job with her piecing and quilts!

I started to take pictures on how I made the motif block, but after, decided it was going to be to many I had my daughter video tape me quilting it up along with the feather ring. for the video...'s a really horrible video.  Very shaky and sea sick like...bless her heart and not a great video camera...but you get the idea of how I do it.  I've gone back and forth on whether I should put it up on my other blog or's really non-professional!!  ...but if enough of you want to see it, I suppose I can post it.  ;o)

Would love to know your thought on this!



Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Such a beautiful quilt, and I think your quilting really really adds to it! I would love to see the video of how you made the motifs - I can't even begin to imagine.

Janet O. said...

I'd love to see the video!
This is a beautiful quilt--the pattern of piecing is simple, but nice, and it is a perfect showcase for your gorgeous quilting!

Ellie-Mae said...

Wow, that is amazing. How do you get your feathered circles so consistent?

Jen said...

Post it...I really wish you'd do more videos...your quilting is so unique and gorgeous!

Judy said...

Your quilting is beautiful, and, of course, I want to see the video!

Unknown said...

This quilt is beautiful, and of course we want to see your video,

Susan Lawson said...

Yay! Video!!! :)

Bev said...

Beautiful, as always! Please show the video and thank you in advance for making it...your work is so inspirational to the rest of us.

Unknown said...

Love how the cross blocks turned out! Beautiful! I can't imagine how hard it is to quilt pregnant. I was always running into the sink trying to do dishes.

Nicci P said...

Put it've got me curious and I love how you quilted those x-blocks. -auntnino

Kathy P said...

Please show the video. The quality doesn't matter - we just want to see the technique. Thanks!

Unknown said...

this is so beautiful...

Unknown said...

Love the textures created with the quilting beautiful!

Alexandra said...

It is a stunning quilt and your quilting on it is perfect!!! How can you deny us the veiwing of your skills on the longarm? Please, please, please....whinging and whining always works doesn't it?????

Linda said...

Stunning quilting. Yep, I say post it!!

Janis said...

Oh yes, lets all watch the video!

Heritage Keepsakes said...

The quilting is stunning! Please share the video of how you did it.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

The quilt turned out so beautiful! Love the quilting! Hope you will share the video :-)

Theresa said...

Your quilting is stunning, I would love to see how you did it.

chicken lover said...

Such Beautiful quilting, really really really want to see the video pleeeeease :)

SasNi said...

The Quilt is so wonderful and the quilting is just stunning! So great!
I would like to see the video, too :-)

skippie said...

Beautiful quilting, love to see the video, tummy many all. Thanks in advance

skippie said...

Should read, tummy and all.

Razzle Dazzle Quilter said...

Please pop the video up. I can always take some sea legs pills!



Elizabeth's quarters said...

Such a stunning quilt, it looks like a tempting box of biscuits! The quilting is absolutely amazing.

Sharon said...

Your quilting looks lovely. I was wondering why you mix the two batts. Why not use two of the same?

Nancy E said...

Your quilting is gorgeous and I would love to see the video! Wish I could quilt as good as you!

KeyQuilter said...

yep, plz post the video!

Ariane said...

Beautiful quilting! I hope you post the video and pictures. I would love to see it!

Melia Mae Quilting said...

I think it turned out amazing and you should definitely post the video. I would love to see it!

Melissa Corry said...

Beautiful quilting!! And I can't imagine leaning over the frame with a tummy bumping against it. I bet you are getting kicked like crazy :)

Jana O'Brien said...

Post it all we want to see is how you did such a wonderful job. We do not care about the quality of the video we just want to see you in action. Your quilting is so beautiful and such an inspiration.

Teresa Silva said...

Jenny...this quilt is amazing. You inspire me so much. Please show the video. I don't care about quality at all and I would love to see that cute little tummy again. You have to be the cutest preganant woman ever!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Very very pretty!

diane said...

Just beautiful! Would love to see the video.

Unknown said...

Loved the video

Stephanie said...

Please, please, please, share the video! You are so talented and I have already learned so much from you. THANKS!!!

kitty said...

Beautiful quilt and gorgeous quilting!! Please, show us the video. Shaky or upside down, I would love to see it!!

Lana said...

Would love to see the video. Can excuse video
quality to see such beautiful quilting. Love your style!!

gloria l said...

absolutely beautiful!!!

eeyore said...

You have made this into a masterpiece.

Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

Jenny, it came out perfect! Your quilting just makes the quilt come alive!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic quilt I love both the design and how the quilting pulls it all together. Would you know what the pattern is called for the quilt?