
Monday, December 3, 2012

Channel Lock Easy Crosshatch

 I've been wanting to try crosshatch quilting on my longarm using the channel lock for quite sometime and thought my Urban Tiles quilt would be a perfect guinea pig. 

My machine will only channel lock horizontal.  For those of you that don't know what channel lock is, it's a button you push which doesn't allow the machine to move from one side to the my machine will only move from left to right in a straight line.

I loaded my quilt and using my channel lock did horizontal lines across and down my whole quilt, about an inch apart.  I just eyeballed the inch measuring.  Once I was done with all my horizontal lines, I removed the quilt, squared up the other two sides, turned and loaded it the other direction.  It's VERY IMPORTANT I square up the other sides before loading it on the 2nd time (I learned the hard way).

I made sure I was nice and straight and squared up before starting my horizontal lines again.  Then using my channel lock, I quilted across and down the quilt and!!  Easy Crosshatch!

I'm just putting on my binding but love how it turned out!  Better than I had hoped and long as everything is squared up...very important!

I've got a photo shoot for my quilts in a couple of days and can finally but sadly be finished with my Urban Series!  I'm loading Urban Winter today, to finish that one up along with Urban Tiles.

It's been quite the "Urban" year!



  1. Oh, how I wish we could get straight lines like this on a DSM! : )
    It is beautiful!

  2. Wow that really turned out awesome. I am not sure if I can channel lock my machine or not. I may have to try that. I love the look of cross hatching!

  3. I am so trying this. Cant wait! Thank you....I love your "urban" series. Will you have a pattern for the quilt you just posted? Thanks.

  4. I really really really like that. I have ordered a long-arm and I can't freaking wait for it to get here. This is making it worse but I am really happy that you shared because that looks like something incredible to try. Thank you.

  5. Nice! will I see you on Saturday? I hope so.

  6. I don't have much experience yet, but I wouldn't trust myself to be able to get the quilt square enough. Wow, good job on that. Nice that it was so easy, and it looks great!

  7. Nice! I love how that looks. You're right - it's the perfect pattern for that quilting pattern!

  8. LOVE it Jenny!!! Can't wait to see it finished!!! :)

  9. Love it! I have channel locks, but my leaders are no longer straight. The time has come to get new leaders, so I can try this awesome technique.

    : )

  10. Wow Jenny! That looks so amazing!

  11. It looks fabulous! I've wondered if this would work but never tried it!

  12. I'm new to following your blog and I really like it. Nice work. I love the channel lock idea--and am now wishing my quilting system actually HAD one! Thanks for sharing the recipes too.

  13. Looks great Jenny! I can't imagine having to get those straight - you did a great job.

  14. Wow! I like this urban tiles quilt. I was playing with my new QCR last night, I am so excited to start a project.
    BTW, you can say wa la if you want to. (-:

  15. I love how this one turned out. I've been wanting to try cross hatching with the long arm. I also love it on the diagonal but so much stopping and rolling to do that. Amazing quilt.

  16. Wow! Looks great! I will have to get brave and try my channel locks soon.

  17. I've just done a quilt with all straight lines using my DSM and a free motion foot. Who knew straight lines could be so challenging!

  18. Gorgeous! I tell you, drooling over your quilting makes me want a long arm!!

  19. I love it! Do you mind sharing what kind of long arm you have?

  20. Looks fantastic! My machine used to only have channel locks in one direction, I just used clip on clamps on both sides of the wheels in the other direction to stop them moving, worked like a charm :)

  21. Wow, this is stunning! I am almost decided on a long arm machine and your channel lock post has me thinking - One machine has BOTH channel locks and one machine only has one channel lock (button) Do you think both locks are important or would I be fine with just the standard? I plan to do modern quilting and I can see that straight line quilting will be an important thing.

    Love your blog...I just recently disovered it, and I love your work!
