
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Village

Today I'm completely exhausted!  My "Gearing up" this week has been a "Big Gear Down"!!  Walking on concrete floors for the first 4 hours of my mornings at my part time job is exhausting.  Being pregnant at 38 isn't as easy as my other pregnancies and I'm now just loading my first quilt for the week.

Okay...enough complaining....I wanted to share with you my Christmas Village.  It's been a tradition in my family to have a Christmas Village.  We have ours in our fireplace, since our fireplace isn't in working condition right now.

Growing up, we use to put our village under the tree and I remember laying on the ground and starring at it for hours.

Now my kids lay on the ground and stare at it ours for hours...they play eye spy and sneak in a touch, thinking I'm not looking.   It's fun having memories and creating memories for the kids!

I'm planning out my Double Wedding Ring Quilt and am trying to decide on a background color to go with this "Lark" jellyroll.

 This great yellow.

 White is always safe.

Navy looks good.

What do you think?

I really want to do something fun other than white...but can't decide.



  1. I really like the Navy. I think it's "rich" like the colors in the jelly roll. Not a fan of the yellow. What about a gray?

  2. I like the yellow! cute village

  3. Oh dear I feel for you, you need to sit & quilt....or not quilt!
    Love the wee village, I see why all children would sit dreaming looking at such a lovely scene.
    I like the yellow, & i am not a 'yellow lover'

  4. Oh and I love your village! I wouldn't be able to have one on the ground as the dear "fur" kids would wreck it I'm sure!

  5. I like the Navy! I wish I had chosen Navy as the background on a quilt I'm working on now, but I chickened out and got cream. I'm not too far in, aka I've only purchased the fabric, so maybe I'll save it and switch before I start.

  6. I like the navy. I think it would pop the colors and be very modern. I'm afraid the yellow would overpower. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  7. What about going SUPER crazy and doing your background in deep, dark PINK or FUSCHIA? Or a vivid tangerine?

  8. I want you to make a Christmas stocking for me! Those are so gorgeous. I found your posting from 2011 about the stockings. Very cool. Good luck with your pregnancy.

  9. I like the navy too or what about pulling the red coral color out of the fabs?

  10. I really like the navy - such a wonderful contrast with the rings fabric!

  11. It's fun to see your stockings again! I really like the navy with those fabrics. It adds a richness and lets your other colors sing!

  12. I can hardly wait to see this pattern! As I am having a love fest with navy right now, it would get my vote!

  13. I love your Christmas Village! I remember my grandparents having one when I was little and I LOVED it! I totally want to get one for my kids! :)
    I understand your prego pain. Good luck with everything! :)

  14. I vote for the navy. It just seems to make everything richer and deeper. I know you hear it from everyone, but pace yourself. Maybe at a slower pace. Your goals are great and I admire you, and I know the great feeling of getting it all done, but really, what if it didn't all get done today? Oh yea, I love the Christmas village.

  15. I like the yellow and it'll still show off awesome quilting! Can't wait for the pattern!

  16. I like the yellow and it'll still show off awesome quilting! Can't wait for the pattern!

  17. Linda vila!Suas meias estão o máximo,adorei o verde diferente.Estou com marinha para sua colcha,acabo de fazer uma colcha com flores da avó com marinho na última carreira e ficou apaixonante.Minha sugestão e que faça um bloco de cada,fica mais fácil de decidir,sempre que tenho dúvidas ajo assim,o fato de estatr manuziando com tecidos logo se vê qual trabalha melhor .Beijos e Bençãos.Cuide-se.

  18. Your stocking and village look wonderful. I vote for the navy, with the yellow and white for the corners. I might pull out any strips in the jelly roll that may have a navy background to keep the really good contrast.

  19. I say go for the yellow, like golden rings! I want to like the navy, but I think it looks too severe. Hey take care and hang in there!

  20. I think that the Navy would be perfect - currently visiting my daughter who had her first pregnacy at 39 - with triplets! they are now 16 mo old and adorable!

  21. Navy - yellow & white are too predictable. Navy really hits all the colours in the collection.

  22. I am generally a huge fan of yellow, but my pick would be the navy. I think it would be very calming with the Cameo fabrics.

  23. I like the navy. Beautiful stockings!

  24. I think lime green would be perfect :-) I just got some in the mail, and I can't wait to make some curved blocks with the green as a background! Have to admit I love how the white makes the other fabrics stand out more, but it's a bit fun to try something different. Love your village, so cute! Hope you're baby bump will let you do a bit more quilting while waiting for the little one :-)

  25. Yellow is warm and cozy. That's my vote.

  26. Love the Navy, nice & soothing. The yellow is nice too, gives it a jolt of energy. Can't wait to see what you decide. :)

  27. Navy looks awesome! Have you tried Kona Celery? That might work, too. I love your blog and your fabulous quilting!

  28. My first choice would be the navy, but I am working with that line right now and it has a great yellow that would totally work

  29. My vote is for yellow. I am not sure if we are helping you much; our votes are sp,it down the middle. Just be assured the whichever choice you make, it will look awesome-especiallynwith your quilting!

  30. Sorry, but I kind of like the white. I must be boring.

  31. I vote for navy, but I like the yellow too. I haven't gotten our village out yet. I inherited my grandmother's village when she died. I love getting it out every year and thinking of her.

  32. I think going out of the box and doing a turquoise, fuchsia, or tangerine. I think this would really liven things up. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Stocking and village are just wonderful.

  33. Navy is my choice. I love your village.

  34. I'd go with the navy. It looks great with those fabrics.

  35. I also like the navy. It looks rich and modern. It will be a beautiful quilt.

  36. Yellow - ummm, I'm not sure
    White - as you say 'safe'
    Navy - lovely and I think it will give the JR fabrics a lot of punch
    The village is lovely but unfortunately wouldn't work in our home - one tail swipe from an excited dog and it would be everywhere ....

  37. Hi Jenny
    I'm going for something different. I like the aqua like you have used on the tips of the blocks in your last photo.
    Clean, fresh, modern



  38. Yep I was thinking aqua too:)

  39. Glad you are going with Navy - it would have been my first choice!

  40. HI there,
    I'd really like to purchase your ruler but cannot seem to get past entering the info for the cart, but then I cannot go any further?
