I finished my quilt this evening! So excited about this one! I love how it turned out and I finished just in time to enter it in the Bloggers Quilt Festival.
I really kept consistent with the quilting on this, not my original plan. I'm really happy with the decision I made, I like how the quilting ties all the blocks together.
The border design was a new one for me. I always like to try something new on my own quilts. It sort of reminds me of a knitted sweater.
I wanted to do something fun for the binding and love the green and white stripe.
My new favorite quilt...for now.
Thanks for taking a peek and thanks Amy for putting this together!
This quilt is amazing...the colors, the design, the quilting...wow!
WOWSER!!! I love the quilting on this... The pattern is awesome too. Great job...
You made it!! Wow, Jenny - it's gorgeous... I adore the quilting, especially the beaded curves and the border pieces that look like cables.
Your quilt is absolutely stunning!! Dumb question, but did you quilt it on a long arm or regular machine?
It turned out stellar! Love it!
Drop dead gorgeous!!! You are an inspiration to many :-)
I'm doing a giveaway on my blog for Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day - and asked entrants to link me to their favorite quilt pattern/tutorial. Someone linked me here to your Urban Nine Patch Quilt. This is THE MOST STUNNING quilt I have ever seen. I am blown away by the lovely pattern, fabric choices and intricate quilting. AMAZING!
AWESOME! Love your work.
I too love how this one turned out.
wow that is one truly awesome quilt! Simply stunning.
How do you quilt your beads? Do you do them in one pass or two???
Fantastic! I love this.
oh wow, wow, wow. great quilting.
It really turned out great! It's been so fun to watch this quilt evolve. You did a wonderful job on it.
WOW! WOW! WOW! Everything about this quilt is amazing!
It's beautiful and your quilting is amazing!
Totally awesome! I love everything about this quilt. Design, blocks on point, colors, and the quilting just puts it over the top. Beautiful! So glad you are in the BGF.
nice quilting and great design
It's so pretty Jenny! I love how you quilted it!!
Marvelous, just marvelous. I just love your work and I'm glad you made it into the festival!
Jenny, this quilt is just stunning! I'd just love to run my hands over your gorgeous quilting to feel the texture...breathtaking!!!
Gorgeous! I also love the border quilting.
Turned out fabulous and you got it done just in time!! Was there ever any doubt :)
Very very spectacular, very nive, congratulations:)))))
FAVORITA?????????nãããããoCAMPEÃ.Beijos 100000000.
Absolutely stellar quilting!! Great work...
Wow! I have no other words. Just wow!
that is one stunning quilt - love the design, love the colors, and love the quilting - great job.
Jenny, I can't get over how you can quilt. It's absolutely amazing! Congrats on your finish!
wow! i love it and want to make one and i can because i have your ruler! it is really beautiful! your quilting is AMAZING! seriously, one day, you will quilt one for me! xoxo great work Jenny!
Beautiful texture.
Fantastic, you made it in on time
It looks brilliant, well done Jenny
Wow Jenny, this is BEYOND beautiful !!
Amazing Jenny! Your quilting is beautiful and perfect! I'm just blown away! Don't blame you for calling it your favorite. It's just stunning!!
Wow Jenny, your quilting really adds another dimension to this quilt....if that's at all possible!
Best Wishes
Kay in Scotland
Your quilt is amazing. The quilting is awesome and very inspirational. Thanks for sharing...
Congratulations on such an amazing beautiful quilt. I really can't think of all of the right words to say about how gorgeous this is and your wonderful quilting talents; I guess I can only add a few more "WOWS" to the comments! You should be very proud of this quilt and I hope it wins many awards for you!
Jenny, your quilt is an amazing piece of Art! Really GORGEOUS!
Wow! It looks great. Love the quilting too.
This is stunning! Your quilting is so wonderful, it makes me long for a long arm machine.
that quilt is stunning. great work!
that is gorgeous! congratulations on creating such a lovely quilt! :)
I love this quilt! So beautiful Jenny! The quilting is so gorgeous! Awesome job!
I love this quilt! So beautiful Jenny! The quilting is so gorgeous! Awesome job!
Your quilting is breath-taking!!
Absolutely amazing!!!!
Love it!!! Now I really need to piece mine :-)
Wonderful job on the quilt as well as the quilting - just wonderful. The urban 9 patch is on my list - who knows when I'll get to it. Just have to say it again - yours is wonderful
Your quilting is AMAZING!
great job Jenny! I especially love the background quilting, wonderful!
Bravo! Love it!
Love the gray and the quilting is like nothing I've seen! I'm so jealous, my FMQ goes all over the place! : )
Holy GORGEOUSNESS! It is STUNNING! I'm blown away, I really am. : )
Beautiful quilt...beautiful quilting. You've done an amazing job with this one.
Gorgeous quilting Jenny! Your quilting is amazing.
Stunning! Knitted jumper is exactly what I thought too! LOVE it!
I am truly blown away by this quilt!!!
Stunning quilt. Wow, the quilting is absolutely amazing!
As well it should be a fave... stunning and the border really appeals. Beautiful!
Gorgeous!!! The quilting really creates beautiful texture and just pops off the solids. I love it! I recently picked up one of your rulers. Now I just need more hours in the day so that I can make an Urban Nine-Patch for me! :)
I love the Urban Nine patch block and all that you are creating with it.
Your quilting is spectacular! I can't stop looking at it!
Jenny this ones my fav!!!! I love the bright bold colors!!!! You know me...:)
Holy moly I think I just found my absolute favorite quilt of the show!!! This is breathtaking!! How beautiful! I assume you are a long arm quilter? The quilting is stunning but so is the colors and pattern. Are you selling this quilt? I rarely want to buy someone else's quilt but this is really special!!! I am blown away!
I love everything about your beautiful quilt.
I'm very sorry that I missed this quilt entirely before I nominated earlier today. It's absolutely beautiful!!
I nominated your quilt for favorite bed quilt and for favorite professionally quilted quilt - although I'm not sure if you are considered a professional or not but the quilting looks so professional! Good luck!
Wow - it is simply gorgeous. I love looking at it but it depresses me and makes me feel soooo inadequate in comparison. Having the long arm sure does make a totally different end product - green with envy!!
j'adore les couleurs et le quilting très original un travail magnjfique
The quilting is absolutely amazing!! Love this quilt.
Holy cow! Excellent Jenny!
Wow, I am in Love!
Beautiful quilt Jenny. The quilting is amazing.
Goodness the quilting looks awesome!
The quilt is stunning. Loved watching the makings of all the blocks and now the finished project!
I just stopped in my tracks. What a beauty! I couldn't decide which one I like better, the piecing, the fabrics, the pattern, or the quilting! I couldn't believe what I saw! Really really REALLY fantastic quilt!
What a stunning piece you have created. I love the curved pieced and the detailed quilting. It is a wonderful quilt. Thanks for sharing and participating in the blog festival.
Regards from Western Canada,
Gorgeous, Jenny! I voted for you!
Your urban nine patch is stunning! Is this pattern and your ruler available wholesale for shops? I teach classes and would love introduce this to the shop owner I work with.
Let me know... Yankeequilter@gmail.com
Okay, I had to leave another comment... You get my vote in the machine quilting category. Can't stop looking at your quilt!
This quilt is GORGEOUS!!! I love everything about it, and I voted for you!
Came over from pinterest. Amazing. Just...wow. I LOVE it.
congratulations on the win! So well deserved!!
Congratulations on your win! How fun is that!
Congrats on the win. It's an amazing quilt!
YAAAAAAY, I knew You'll win! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I'm a real fan of your work! :)
Congrats on the win. I've loved this quilt from the very first block. :)
Congratulations on your win at BQF.
je me suis permis de mettre la photo de votre quilt dans un message ,j'espère que cela ne vous pose pas de problème ,merci d'avance
Your quilting is just magnificent! Congrats on your win!
Congratulations on your win!! Your quilting is incredibly wonderful! You are a STAR QUILTER!
Stunning quilt and quilting! Will you be offering this as a pattern at some point? I would love to do this - I have your ruler and I'm looking for the right project!
Stunning quilt and quilting! Will you be offering this pattern through your blog/website at some point? I have your ruler and looking forward to the right project. Awesome quilt.
This is absolutely amazing! How many hours of work! And every single minute was worth it. This is an award-winning quilt!!!!
What an honor to have your quilt chosen by Lee and featured on the Sewing Summit post - well deserved, I've always been a huge fan and now more people will learn about your wonderful ruler and talent!
This is my first time posting to a quilters blog, and all I can say is WOW. I am totally blown away. Beautiful.
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