
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Special Thanks!

Being that time of the year, I've been thinking of all those that have supported me and I wanted to give them a special thanks!

I hope I can put down in words how I feel today.  

It all started a couple of years ago.  I came up with this crazy ruler idea.  I knew it was different and I knew there wasn't anything out there like it.  Me, not being in the ruler making business had no idea where to start with this crazy ruler idea.  It was all so intimidating and I wasn't sure I could pull it off.  My husband and I knew the first thing we needed to do is find someone to create the ruler.  I made calls all over the United States and believe it or not found a ruler company just 45 minutes north of me, called Rulersmith.

They were amazing!  I made a drawing of the ruler on graph paper and that is all I had for them.  Jared dropped it off and with their help we were able to do up a computer image, which soon turned into my first prototype.

I'll never forget the day I got the first prototype Quick Curve Ruler in the mail.  To hold it in my hands and use it and cut with was a big accomplishment for me.  Three prototypes later and the Quick Curve Ruler was made.  

Now, if you're wondering where I'm getting at with this story, I hope to explain more as I go on.  

The ruler is made and patterns starting to develop and at this point nothing is released to the public yet.  I'm now starting to feel anxious and scared.  For one, I had never written and released a quilt pattern or any pattern ever in my life and two, a ruler to go with.  Now I'll tell you one of the reasons why I was scared.  I was scared that my idea....twisted in anyway it can be twisted would be taken by another designer and also put out there.  Whether it be another ruler or a pattern design.  Again, me being new to this didn't know....just didn't know??

So I was reluctant and thanks to my blogging friends and their encouragement, I kept moving forward and having faith that things would work out.  By now it's been about a year of me playing with the ruler and coming up with new patterns and I knew I needed to release it to the public.  I wasn't ready...I was scared...but I made the plunge.   It was one of the hardest accomplishments of my career life but I will never forget the weekend I launched my website and all my supporting blogging friends made their Quick Curve Ruler order!  It was one of the greatest moments I've ever had!  I just want to say a big thanks to all of you that believed in me from day one!

It's's out there and now what.  I won't get into the details but a whole lot of trial and errors.  Many patterns to be fixed and many broken rulers while shipped..and so on..and so on.  It's now been a year later and I still feel like I'm learning everyday.  I've been given lot's of advice along the way from friends and family and I wanted to say thanks to all of you that took the time to help me!

Now to my fear....yes, it happened!  I know of 3 rulers or templates that have been made since my ruler was released.  Thanks to some of my kind blogging friends and a little link they would share with me as to a new ruler out and hummm...??  It seamed very familiar.  How has my reaction been?  Well to my surprise, I have been completely fine with it.  Maybe I was ready for it....I knew it would happen.  I guess what has bothered me the most is how quickly they developed!  It felt like it has taken me forever to get to where I'm at today but I guess if you are all ready a big company it's not hard to get your product into stores and shops fast.  So yes, I guess it has bugged me a little bit.....but I started this to have fun and always told myself it is what it is and I'm going to enjoy the ride while it lasts!

While my sister was demoing the ruler a couple of weeks ago.  A lady had come up to her and said she just purchased this "other" ruler not more than 3 minutes ago and wish she hadn't, after she saw all the patterns available that go with the Quick Curve Ruler.  YES!!  That felt good!

So that's my story and I hope I was able to put in words how I feel.  I know for a fact if it wasn't for all of you and your support in me I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today.  For all the shop owners that have e-mailed me inquiring about my ruler and patterns!  For all of you that have told your friends about the ruler and for those of you that have taught classes on my ruler and for those of you that have spent hours and hours demoing my ruler!  All of you, helping me spread the word about my ruler and patterns!  I can't thank you enough!!  I love you all and I hope you all have a happy and joyful weekend spending time with those you love!

Love ~ Jenny



  1. This makes me so sad! I think your ruler is the best and you have thought of everything when you designed your ruler! I love how I can square up my blocks and LOVE your easy to understand your patterns! Keep designing. Your talent is absolutely awe inspiring! Love you, Jenny!

  2. Happy Thanks Giving to you and yours x

  3. It is hard to imagine that an entire year has gone by since I got my ruler but I gave Christmas gifts last year so it must be! New Years resolution is to do more projects with it. so many possibilities!

  4. It took me almost a year to think I am am "good enough" to try your ruler-- waiting for it in the mail and I don't regret a thing! Steamroll baby! And thank you!

  5. Jenni, you just be at peace with the assurance that you were the ruler was your original idea. You are the one with the creativity and tenacity to develop it and market it. Many of us out here in bloglad were born at night, but not last night! We know who came first. There are copy catters everywhere and people know who is the original and who is the copy. Congratulations on your success. I have been cheering for you since the first time I saw your creations, your ruler, your patterns and will continue to support you!

  6. What you have been able to accomplish is tremendous Jenny! The fact that you have these unfortunate copy-cats is a testament to the originality of your idea. I feel inspired reading your words today. :)

  7. I worked on my Urban Birthday quilt today, squaring up the blocks. It will be a class starting in December at my LQS. It does take a lot of bravery to create something and put it out there for the public to comment on and even copy. You should be proud! I think that all of the patterns you have for your ruler are a huge selling point for it and the reason I purchased it. ALSO, you can easily cut a curve with it through multiple layers of fabric, which isn't true of some of the others.

  8. Well said.We all believed in you & your amazing talent. Hoping to get my vintage sheet CQR project cut out this weekend. Enjoy your time with family this weekend.

  9. Well said.We all believed in you & your amazing talent. Hoping to get my vintage sheet CQR project cut out this weekend. Enjoy your time with family this weekend.

  10. Your ruler is genius...and the marketing you have done to promote it is spot-on!! The photos on the patterns are beautiful (as is your quilting) and the QAL to promote the variety of blocks that can be made is fantastic! I want to make a quilt out of every block...

    Keep it up! You rock....

  11. What you have done and accomplished is amazing. I admire your tenacity and gumption so much. Truly. I'm just so happy you have had so much success. You keep it up. Their imitation is the best form of flattery. Too bad they don't just try to hire you or buy out your idea instead of copy you. :-)

    I was once at a trunk show Edyta Sitar did here in Michigan in her hometown. She was talking about how some of her "girls" (locals who have always been supportive of her) will find a pattern or some other sort of imitation of her work. The "girls" will let her know and be so upset that someone is "stealing" her ideas. Edyta said something like this: You know, I don't care that they do that. If that's where they are in their creativity process, and they need that from me, then I am happy to provide it for them. I have so many ideas in my head, I am already so far past that pattern by now, it doesn't matter to me. I have other things I want to do and get out there.

    I thought that was about the coolest thing I have ever heard. I already adored her, and after that, I did even more. My respect for her is huge. I have really taken what she said to heart in my own life. I think it's a good way to look at the world. Maybe it will be meaningful to you, too.

    You will always have my support, respect, and admiration for your talent and ideas. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry you are having to deal with others creating something so similar. But I can honestly say I am so glad I found your website and got your ruler and some patterns because you are such an inspiration and I know you will keep creating fresh new items for us!

  13. Jenny, huge congratulations on everything you have accomplished. If it wasn't such a great tool, no one would try to copy it. You can know that you were first, and I am glad that through blogs, I know you. Your ruler, pattern, and quilting are inspiring to us all, and I thank you. Your creative edge will keep us all on our toes, and give us something to aim for. Thank you for sharing all you do on your blog. Continued success.

  14. Wow there are copies being made already...that was fast! I think that means your a success kiddo!
    Only the best are I guess this makes your ruler the Rolex of the quilting rulers. :)
    I am so happy that this has been a successful venture for you. You've put so much work into this project and we appreciate all the time you have put into preparing the ruler, patterns, QAL's and blog posts.

  15. Jenny, I've just taken my bali batik Urban Abacus down to my Guild's annual exhibition and I know it will be a crowd pleaser. Thank you so much for your wonderful blogs featuring your amazing quilting - you are so inspirational. PS keep the patterns coming!

  16. I am so glad you are handling the copy of your ruler with the disdain it deserves! Good for you! Your ruler was the first and will remain the best :*) I'm so loving the challenge of learning how to use it to make lovely curved blocks in your QAL :*) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  17. You should be quite proud of all you've accomplished!
    happy thanksgiving to you and your family!

  18. I have to tell you that I have a "copycat" curved ruler. I'm so ashamed! Someone was demoing it at the AQS show in Des moines and I got all excited thinking it was your ruler- I had to have it! And as I was checking out I mentioned to the gal that I'd seen it on the internet, she looked at me like I had 3 heads and said that no, this ruler was so new it wasnt even on her website yet! Anyway, yours is actually better than the one i got, and your free patterns that come with it are much, much cooler too. So I feel pretty guilty doing your QAL with someone else's ruler :( But i think i did convince my friend to get yours instead so I hope that evens things out!

    Have a great Thanksgiving Jenny!

  19. Hi Jenny ... it has been such a pleasure to see the success of your ruler. You are the original and have great atterns to use with it ... funny how this is the second time someone thought it was okay to take your idea and claim as their own. If I get the chance, I'll straighten this person out too!

  20. Congratulations with all that you ave archived, it must have taken a lot of work and sleepless nights to get this far, well done.
    I am awaiting the delivery of your ruler, hopefully with explanation how to use it as I have fabric waiting to make a quilt. Just keep the ideas coming, I just love them.

  21. Thanks for sharing Jenny - happy Thanksgiving!

  22. Congratulations on creating a great product and patterns. I love mine, and look forward to new patterns you develop.

    I had no idea there were copycat rulers out there. Wow. I can see how that would be nerve wracking.

  23. Thank you for sharing the history of the ruler.
    I am visiting your country from New Zealand and went into Quiltworks Northwest, Bellevue, WA and was thrilled to see not only your special ruler but all of your patterns on display as well.
    They told me you had taught there and were a 'local'.
    It would have been lovely to have met you.
    My sister Linda has made one of your quilt patterns and we have more fabric in store to make the Urban 9 Patch when I go home.
    I bought a second one of your rulers while in the shop - thank you for taking the time and effort to create something totally different.

  24. Jenny, I love your ruler and sell it in my online store and when I visit quilt groups...I think it is a wonderful creation!! Many congratulations from Karen in UK

  25. Any of us who have your ruler, know what an amazing and unique product it is! Any of the copycats out there can't possible feel the sense of pride and accomplishment that you can! Well done Jenny!

  26. I see alot of patterns and rulers. Yours is the best. Very versatile and you and Helen are doing a great job with all the patterns. I can't keep up! I'd still love to have you on my side of the water for the quilt show in Feb. But, I think you have a date with a very important (little) person then. :)

  27. Ruler received and many thanks as it was packaged really well. At some stage I will post my progress.
