
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Urban Birthday Baby Quilt

If anyone knows  me they know I'm really bad at planning ahead...and am usually caught off guard when things come up, like a baby shower tonight and a quilt to put together today!  Good thing I have all the right tools to handle a situation like this!

This baby boy quilt is for my Sister-n-law.

I used the Pattern Urban Birthday and pretty much cut it in half.   I picked this pattern because it is very easy and fast to put it together!

I was able to work on it at the Quilt Shop today for their open sew day.  I met a new friend Annie...she's also doing up the Urban Birthday pattern for her son's Birthday.  I met Annie through my cool is that and I have a feeling we are going to be really good sewing buddies!

  I added a small border to the top and bottom, used gray flannel for the back and warm and white for the batting.

I this quilting pattern because it works so well with either boy or girl baby quilts...without looking baby cutesy.  Now off to make some food for the baby shower.



  1. Oh I love this quilt....the pattern and your colors. great work...

  2. I love this and the quilting is amazing!

  3. There is so much to love about this quilt! I love the fabrics, the gray flannel back, the little border, the colors, and the quilting design. Wow.

    I'm always surprised by baby arrivals, too, even if I have 9 months advance warning! haha!

  4. Love this one, and I love your homemade panto. It worked wonderfully on this. This pattern is on my soon to buy list.

  5. Beautiful! I love how the quilting echoes the pattern. Do you mark out your quilting lines or freehand it?

  6. oh jenny! i love this and how amazing that you just whipped it up so fast! good job!

  7. Stunning! I love the quilting on it! Fabulous movement!

  8. If or should I say WHEN I get around to making my Urban Birthday quilt it is definitely going to be quilting this way - such a perfect fit. Hope the shower was fun.

  9. What a beautiful quilt - perfect in every way - colours, quilting, pattern - it will be loved and cherished

  10. Oh Wow! Isn't that just beautiful! Very lucky sister in law indeed! Hope the baby shower goes/went well! :)

  11. What a wonderful quilt and gift. As always, your quilting is amazing! Great job Jenny!!

  12. What a beautiful quilt. I have your ruler and am anxious to use it!
