
Friday, March 30, 2012

Blog Button "s"

Thanks for your input on my Blog Button!  It was about 50/50 on your opinions and I agree with what you all had to say.  Button #1 really portrays me and Button #2 really stands out.  So....since it was a tough choice and I didn't want to just pick one, so I chose both!  

Button #1 will be my BLOG BUTTON and Button #2 will be my WEBSITE BUTTON.  Problem solved!

You can view them on the right side of my blog and I also made it so you can see my name better.
Thanks everyone!!

I finished cutting my "Echo" out tonight!

I still LOVE this fabric,  I'm definitely not getting tired of it yet.
Warning though....if you have the Brass Dandelion print (the yellow one)...hang on to it and make sure you use it for what you need it for.  I had a hard time finding more!  It's a popular one! 



  1. Pacific Fabrics in SODO has some. I was just there yesterday :)
