
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thanks for taking a minute!

I wanted to say THANKS SO MUCH for taking a minute and giving me some great advise and encouragement!  You have no idea how much it means to me!  I now have and idea and know exactly what direction I want to go with my demo and what I need to do tomorrow to get ready for it. 

Loved the great thoughts and ideas!!!

I really hope to meet all of you some day and give you a big hug!!  If it wasn't for your kindness and encouraging comments I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing.  I feel so much a part of a little quilting community on line and have met some amazing people and I just wanted to share that with you...okay...getting a little serious..

...and I've got some good news.  I heard back from Lori this last week, she was testing my Urban Pods quilt.  She finished and I made some changes on the pattern and it's going to be ready here soon!  

If you've watched my You Tube video's, Urban Pods is the quilt that's hanging up behind me.

I still have this hanging up in my family room because my family room's colors are these right now.  It's my husbands favorite and I'm excited to finally have a pattern out for it!

.... and I'm posting the Tutorial for the "Urban Deco" block tomorrow (Urban Nine Patch and "More" block).  Karen..thought of that name for me and I liked it, thanks Karen

And I want to let you all know how it go's for me on Thursday, if you don't mind.... I'll be sharing that with you too ;-)



  1. I love your new pattern and I too hope we can meet one day. You're awesome and I'm so glad I met you here on your blogs. You inspire me!

  2. I love this pattern, too. I just wanted to add that I thought it was a really nice touch to receive your hand written thank you on the cute label. Your you tube videos are very easy to follow.

  3. break a leg!! Just kidding, of course. Can't wait to hear about your Sew Expo experience.

  4. I wish we could meet too - unfortunately there's a big 'pond' in the way (plus a load of terrain).
    Enjoy your experiences at the show and I can't wait to hear all the tales. Take care, and have an awesome experience.

  5. Best wishes for fun and successful presentations at the quilt expo. And please know that many of your online friends will be thinking of you and wishing they could be there too.

  6. I would love to go and meet you in person, but, alas, work calls!!! Have fun and hopefully we get to see pictures of you demonstrating your Quick Curve Ruler!!

  7. Glad you liked the Urban Deco name and are using it - fun. I totally feel the same way about meeting my virtual friend in person and have Quiltcon 2013 on my wish list for that very reason!

    More patterns - yeah - I must say your quilting detail really is the frosting for that quilt.

  8. I love the pattern, gorgeous quilting, too!! I would love to come see your demo, you're gonna do great :o)

  9. That quilt looks awesome. Good luck at the show! May I ask where you live in the northwest? I used to live out there and am just curious. It would be so fun to go to that show. I hope you do a video for those of us who couldn't make it to the show. :-) I'm off to watch your other video now. I am new to all this!

  10. I love your elongated ovals you quilt on your quilts. They are so even. Is this a ruler or a template?
