
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Color Obsessed"

I have a lot of obsessions....quilting for one, but another is color!  I've been obsessed about a green/orange/black and white color combo for quite sometime!  I've wracked my brain to find...come up with..decide what quilt design would go best with this "color obsessed" and sometimes when I think I've found the perfect pattern to go with my color obsession I FAIL....big time!! 

I was so excited to cut into my yummy "color obsessed":

 and use it for this design:

....but really??  Not working for me at all!!  Love the design!  But my "color obsessed" is not working with this design!! ;o(

...okay, let me just throw this out there!  MAKE SURE YOUR GOING TO USE THE FABRIC YOU CUT, FOR YOUR PROJECT!  Ya...I know cut all that beauty up and now what??

...well since I all ready had my black and whites cut to the measurements of the skinny curve in the Urban Nine Patch and half of my greens cut, I had the idea to make yet a THIRD Urban Nine Patch quilt!  

And this time I'm liking it so far!!  I'll get my "color obsessed" fix out of the way and can move onto my next "color obsession"!!

And I'm excited about this one, because It's going to be the quilt I use to do my "Urban Nine Patch" pattern with!

How are your Urban Nine Patch's coming along!!  I have really enjoyed the Urban Nine Patch Flikr Group and are amazed at how different every one's are turning out to be!  

I never thought this would be so much fun!!  I'm all ready brainstorming my next Quilt Along!

...and I came home from work today with a nice surprise!

 Oh how I love him so much!




  1. I hope you'll make the rejected design in your next color obsession - that big center is just screaming bold floral to me!

  2. i really like it. and what pretty flowers!

  3. Sometimes you just have to admit defeat - maybe you could scan the fabrics and virtually piece them together before cutting so you get to see how they come together and if the zones you think they should be going into should be switched around.
