
Friday, December 16, 2011

A little Christmas Inspiration!

A little Christmas Inspiration!

...and for the home

and I hope to quilt this up this weekend....along with making black licorice caramels!!

...and I accidentally through my stockings away....he..he..guess I'll have to make some new stockings.  Brittany and I are doing that for sure on Sunday.  I'm kind of excited about that.  I'm going to just load all my fabric on the longarm and draw out my stockings and quilt them all different.  I'll take pictures as I go.  Hope my plan works.

...also my hand is so much better....amazing what a little medication can do!!
..and if you haven't played the give away game,  you can do it here!



  1. Oh the stockings sound fascinating, I look forward to seeing the in progress and finished article photos - of course I'm also looking forward to seeing the Christmas quilt - have you a name for it yet - Urban Charms or Urban Baubles ;o)

  2. look forward to seeing the stockings too!! and hope to see that delicious black toffee recipe posted....xoxox
