
Friday, November 4, 2011

Inspiration Friday ~ Yellow/Aqua/Turquoise ~ Love

I love the color Yellow!  It's been my favorite color ever since I was a little girl.  In fact my wedding colors were butter yellow and Clinique know the Clinique make up.  I was really into that make up back in 1995 ;o)  

I love yellow with aqua/turquoise!  And I will have to say had a tough time finding some inspirational pictures out there!  But this is what I found.

Now for some quilts....and again I had to dig deep to find any quilts with this color combination.


 Remember this:                             

..well with that design and these colors:

I have done up a couple of blocks and will have to say that this,  by far.... is going to be my favorite quilt using my "Quick Curve Ruler"!  I have the blocks stuck to my design every time I walk into my quilt room I look at them and it puts a big smile on my face!

 Thanks for the great inspirations out there!



  1. What an interesting colour combination - I'm looking at blues, silver greys and splashes of coral for a quilt for our room when we re decorate it

  2. I'm actually making a quilt in these colors this weekend!

  3. Hi Jenny. Yellow and aqua are a fantastic combination. I'm sure that your results will be great. I really enjoy your work and your blog. Nice job!!!

  4. oh jenny! that it going to be sooo awesome in solids! i am so excited to see it.
