
Monday, April 18, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award I have a secret

...I was hoping this award would come my way!  The blog Smazoochie sent this award my way.  Thanks so much!  She has a fun blog and great eye for color...her fabric choices are awesome!

With the receipt of this award you are asked to do several things:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 6 newly discovered bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been nominated as Stylish Bloggers.

7 things about myself:

#1 - Next to being passionate about quilting, I am passionate about decorating.

#2 - I love to workout at the gym with my husband.

#3 - I live in the rainy North West but sun.

#4 - I live in the city but would love to live in the country someday.

#5 - I have 5 kids that keep me on my toes.

#6 - I am a professional longarm quilter.

#7- I love spending time with my family.

Now the 6 blogs I'm awarding as Stylish Bloggers:  

Helen at RobinStar Quilting.  
Helen is my sister and I wouldn't be where I'm at if it wasn't for her.  She helped me with my first quilt years ago and is very talented!  I have learned a lot from her quilting expertise! 

Pam at Quilting Square One
I met Pam through longarm quilting.  We hit it off instantly.  She is the one that encouraged me to start my blogs and I thank her for that.  This has been a lot of fun.  Pam is also a very talented quilter and I have learned and been inspired by her talent!

Natalie at Threaded Mess.
I discovered this blog through Flikr.  I loved one of her quilts she had posted on Flikr.  She uses a lot of solids in her quilts...which I love!  It's blogs like hers that inspire me to step out of my comfort zone.

Marianne at The Quilting Edge.
I also found Marianne's blog on Flikr.  She had quilted up a quilt with a large spiral quilting design and it looked fantastic!  Since then I have become a fan of her blog.  She has uses a lot of stripe fabric in her quilting and I love the way she puts them together!  She also has a beautiful house!

Leila at Sewn.
You need to check out Leila's crazy quilts!  They are so much fun!  Very different..than what's out there!  She has a fun way of using different types of fabrics in her quilts.  She also uses ric-rac..very fun.

The blog Dee's Doodles.
I found this blog through Flikr also.  She did up a quilt using orange and aqua...which she donated.  I loved it.  I'm dying to do an orange and aqua quilt.  That was very inspirational.   Thanks for that!

I love to find new blogs, being a newbie my self!



  1. oh goodness! I'm mighty surprised and honored to see my blog in your list! Thanks so much for the huge compliment!

  2. Thanks Jenny!? I think. This is all part of your grand plan to get me to blog more. That's okay, it is good for me.

  3. Congrats on the award! Now I'm going to check out the blogs on your list that are new to me.
